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Make access easy to access Riot Games API to get their game data like League of Legends.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'riot_games_api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install riot_games_api


First, You should love to play, watch, or do something with League of Legends.

Very thanks to Riot for greatest game.

  • English

    • You need to get your RIOT Games API key. You may need to register your app. Defaul key for development is too restricted to use.
  • Japanese

    • RIOT Games API キーを取得してきて下さい。アプリケーションを登録してキーをもらったほうが良いかもしれません。デフォルトの開発用キーは普通に使うには制限が強すぎます。

client = api_key: 'your_api_key' # or ENV['RIOT_GAMES_API_KEY']

* English
avalable parameters when initialize client

* Japanese

api_key default: none or ENV['RIOT_GAMES_API_KEY'] region default: 'na' adapter default: Faraday.default_adapter debug logging default: false locale default: 'en_US'

# from summoner resource
summoner = client.summoner.by_name ['hello im shishi'].first
# from team resource
teams = []

# English
# You can use champions and items id list (created 2015/11/16)
# You can see and edit lists in lib/riot_games_api/lol/constant/

# Japnese
# チャンピオンとアイテムのIDのリストを作ってあります (2015/11/16 作成)
# lib/riot_games_api/lol/constant/ にファイルがあるので編集もできます

# from static_data resource
jinx = client.static_data.champion_by_id RiotGamesApi::LOL::CHAMPIONS[:jinx]
jinx_lore = jinx.lore
b_f_sword = client.static_data.item_by_id RiotGamesApi::LOL::ITEMS[:b_f_sword]
b_f_sword_stats = b_f_sword.stats

# English
# Now, Riot Games API do not support image file directly, but you can get url for images their official data. Almost same for items, etc.

# Japanese
# 現在 Riot Games API は画像を直接サポートしていませんが、こうするとCDNの公式データを取得するURLを組み立てることが出来ます。アイテムとかでも大体同じようにできます。

xin = client.static_data.champion_by_id RiotGamesApi::LOL::CHAMPIONS[:xin_zhao]
xin_image_filename = xin.image.full
image_group =

realm = client.static_data.realm
url = realm.cdn
dd_version = realm.dd

image_url = url + dd_version + '/img/' + image_group + xin_image_filename


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request