Module: RIO::Doc::OPTIONAL

Defined in:


Please read the following first:

  • RIO::Doc::INTRO


  • RIO::Doc::HOWTO

  • RIO::Rio

Rio Optional Components

This document describes various optional Rio components, that must be explicitly ‘required’ to be available. These are not included in rio.rb either because they change classes that should not be changed without the developers explicit permission, or because they are not of general enough interest.


This option comprises 4 options

  • Object#to_rio

    require 'rio/to_rio/object' 
    ario = any_object.to_rio

    This option adds a to_rio method to the Object class which calls the object’s #to_s method and passes it to the Rio constructor. Like:

    ario = rio(any_object.to_s)
  • String#to_rio and String#/

    require 'rio/to_rio/string'
    ario = "a/file/represented/as/a/string".to_rio
    ario = 'strings'/'used'/'with'/'subdirectory'/'operator'

    This option adds a to_rio method and the subdirectory operator ‘/’ to the String class. Note that due to operator precedance one must use parenthesis when calling a method directly on a Rio created using the subdirectory operator with Strings

    array_of_first_ten_lines = ('adir'/'asubdir'/'afile').lines[0...10]
  • Array#to_rio

    require 'rio/to_rio/array'
    ario = %w[an array of path components].to_rio #=> rio('an/array/of/path/components')

    This option adds a to_rio method to the Array class. This behaves as if

    rio(%w[an array of path components]) had been called.
  • require ‘rio/to_rio/all’ will make all of the above available.


require 'rio/argv'
arguments_as_rios = RIO.ARGV

This option provides a function which converts each element of ruby’s ARGV into a Rio. Useful when writing a program which takes a list of files as its arguments


require 'rio/open3'
input,output,errput = RIO.popen3
RIO.popen3 { |input,output,errput| ... }

This options provides a wrapper around the Open3#popen3 call with the IO objects converted to Rios


require 'rio/prompt'
the_anwser = RIO.prompt('What is the answer? ')

This option provides a module function to prompt for input.