Rice Cooker

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Handle sort, filters, searches, and ranges on Rails collections.


In your Gemfile:

gem 'has_scope'
gem 'rice_cooker'

Then, in your controllers

class UsersController < ActionController::Base

  # Will handle sorting with the 'sort' parameter.

  # Will handle filtering with the 'filter[]' parameter.

  # Will handle range-ing with the 'range[]' parameter.

  def index
    @users = apply_scopes(User).all
    render json: @users


The sort parameter allow sorting on one or several, comma-separated, fields. The sort is applied in the order specified. The sort order for each sort field is ascending unless it is prefixed with a minus (-), in which case it is descending.

For example, the api.example.org/unicorns?sort=color,-name url will return all the unicorns order by color in the ascending order, and if they have the same color, by name, on the descending order.


The filter parameter is a hash allowing filtering for a field, as a key, on one or several, comma-separated, values. Only the fields matching the given filter(s) will be returned.

For example, the api.example.org/unicorns?filter[color]=yellow&filter[age]=21,22 url will return all the yellow unicorns which are 21 OR 22 years old.


The range parameter is a hash allowing filtering for a field, as a key, on two comma-separated bounds. Only the fields between the given bounds will be returned. The bounds are inclusives.

For example, the api.example.org/unicorns?range[age]=21,42 url will return all the unicorns which are between 21 and 42 years old.


The search parameter is a hash allowing searching for a field, as a key, on one or several, comma-separated, values. Only the fields containing the given search(es) will be returned (internally, safely executes a WHERE field LIKE '%SEARCH%' query).

For example, the api.example.org/unicorns?search[color]=e url will return all the unicorns with a color containing the letter 'e'.


The gem try to follow the RAPIS api convention.