RGen - Ruby Modelling and Generator Framework

RGen is a framework supporting Model Driven Software Development (MDSD). This means that it helps you build Metamodels, instantiate Models, modify and transform Models and finally generate arbitrary textual content from it.

RGen features include:

  • Programmatic definition of Metamodels

  • ECore as Metametamodel with an ECore instance available for every Metamodel

  • Generator for programmatic Metamodel from ECore instance

  • Instantiation of Metamodels, i.e. creation of Models (e.g. from XML)

  • Model Transformations

  • Powerful template based generator language

  • A growing set of included Metamodels, Transformations, Generators:

  • UML 1.3 Metamodel

  • XMI 1.1 Instantiator

  • XMI 2.0 Instantiator, currently use to read ECore instances only


Get the latest release from Rubyforge:



Unpack the release package somewhere to your filesystem. Make sure the ‘lib’ folder is included in the search path (-I) when you run your own scripts.

As of version 0.2.0 RGen is also available as a gem.

Getting started

Change to the ‘test’ folder and run the test suite:

test> ruby rgen_test.rb


RGen is being documented using rdoc. Point your browser to ‘doc/index.html’ to view the documentation.

These are the main parts already documented:

  • RGen::MetamodelBuilder

  • RGen::Transformer

  • RGen::TemplateLanguage


There are several examples of using RGen within the framework itself.

Metamodel Definition: lib/rgen/ecore/ecore.rb lib/metamodels/uml13_metamodel.rb

Instantiation: lib/rgen/instantiator/xmi11_instantiator.rb lib/rgen/instantiator/ecore_xml_instantiator.rb lib/instantiators/ea_instantiator.rb Transformations: lib/rgen/ecore/ecore_transformer.rb lib/transformers/uml13_to_ecore.rb Generators: lib/mmgen/metamodel_generator.rb


RGen is released under the MIT license.