
A Resque plugin allowing jobs to be sent to a temporary queue to await approval. Once the job is approved, it is placed on its normal queue.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'resque-approval'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install resque-approval


To enable approval holding for a job class, simply extend that class with Resque::Plugins::Approval, like so:

class Job
  extend Resque::Plugins::Approval

  @queue = 'dummy'

  def self.perform
    # ...

Then, when you want to queue up a job of that class, add a couple special arguments to your job:

Resque.enqueue(Job, :requires_approval => true, :approval_message => 'Test')

:requires_approval tells resque-approval to put your job in a special queue to wait for approval. If its missing or false, your job is placed in its default queue.

:approval_message is an optional message you can reference later.

To get a list of pending jobs:


This will return a list in first-in, first-out order. Each entry contains an id and any message you may have specified when enqueueing the job.

To approve a job:


where key is an entry from the list returned by pending_job_keys. This will move the job from the approval_required queue to the default queue for that job.

To reject a job:


This will delete the job from the approval_required queue, but will not move it to the job's default queue. This effectively drops the job from the system.


A sample session using the Job class above might look like this:

# Queue up a job with a message.
Resque.enqueue(Job, :requires_approval => true, :approval_message => 'Just a test')

# Queue up a job without a message.
Resque.enqueue(Job, :requires_approval => true)

# List the ids and messages.
pending_actions = Resque::Plugins::Approval.pending_job_keys
pending_actions.each do |action|
  puts "id: #{action['id'], message: #{action['approval_message']}"

# Approve the first job...

# But reject the second


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request