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Ruby gem to merge Cucumber JSON reports and build mobile-friendly HTML Test Report, JSON report and retry file.

Sample Reports

Features Report

Grouped Features Report


gem install report_builder



Note: Works with cucumber(>= 2.1.0) test results in JSON format.

Config Options:

Option Type Default Values
json_path/input_path [String]/[Array]/[Hash] (current directory) input json files path / array of json files or path / hash of json files or path
report_path [String] 'test_report' reports output file path with file name without extension
json_report_path [String] (report_path) json report output file path with file name without extension
html_report_path [String] (report_path) html report output file path with file name without extension
retry_report_path [String] (report_path) retry report output file path with file name without extension
report_types [Array] [:html] :json, :html, :retry (output file types)
report_title [String] 'Test Results' report and html title
include_images [Boolean] true true / false (If false, the size of HTML report is reduced by excluding embedded images)
additional_info [Hash] {} additional info for report summary
additional_css [String] nil additional CSS string or CSS file path or CSS file url for customizing html report
additional_js [String] nil additional JS string or JS file path or JS file url for customizing html report

Code Examples:

     require 'report_builder'

    # Ex 1:
    ReportBuilder.configure do |config|
      config.json_path = 'cucumber_sample/logs'
      config.report_path = 'my_test_report'
      config.report_types = [:json, :html]
      config.report_title = 'My Test Results'
      config.include_images = false
      config.additional_info = {browser: 'Chrome', environment: 'Stage 5'}


    # Ex 2:
    options = {
       json_path:    'cucumber_sample/logs',
       report_path:  'my_test_report',
       report_types: ['json', 'html'],
       report_title: 'My Test Results',
       include_images: false,
       additional_info: {'browser' => 'Chrome', 'environment' => 'Stage 5'}

    ReportBuilder.build_report options

Grouped Features Report Example:

ReportBuilder.configure do |config|
  config.json_path = config.json_path = {
      'Group A' => ['path/of/json/files/dir1', 'path/of/json/files/dir2'],
      'Group B' => ['path/of/json/file1', 'path/of/json/file2'],
      'Group C' => 'path/of/json/files/dir'}


CLI Options:

Option Values Explanation
-s, --source x,y,z List of input json path or files
-o, --out [PATH]NAME Reports path with name without extension
--json_out [PATH]NAME JSON report path with name without extension
--html_out [PATH]NAME HTML report path with name without extension
--retry_out [PATH]NAME Retry report path with name without extension
-f, --format x,y,z List of report format - html,json,retry
--[no-]images Reduce HTML report size by excluding embedded images
-T, --title TITLE Report title
-I, --info a:x,b:y,c:z List of additional info about test - key:value
--css CSS/PATH/URL Additional CSS string or CSS file path or CSS file url for customizing html report
--js JS/PATH/URL Additional JS string or JS file path or JS file url for customizing html report
-h, --help Show available command line switches
-v, --version Show gem version

CLI Example:

     report_builder -s 'path/of/json/files/dir'
     report_builder -s 'path/of/json/files/dir' -o my_report_file

Rake Example:

Add in Rakefile

    require 'report_builder'

    desc 'Sample rake task to build report'
    task :report_builder, [:json_path, :report_path] do |t, args|
      args.with_defaults(:json_path => nil, :report_path => 'test_report')
      options = {:json_path => args.json_path, :report_path => args.report_path}
      ReportBuilder.build_report options

Then run rake task report_builder

    rake report_builder
    rake report_builder['path/of/json/files/dir']
    rake report_builder['path/of/json/files/dir','report_file']


We're open to any contribution. It has to be tested properly though.



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