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render-later is a Rails helper allowing you to defer the rendering of slow parts of your views to the end of the page, drastically improving the time to first paint and thus the perceived performance.


It works pretty simply by storing the blocks to render later and putting an invisible span with a unique ID instead. Then at the end of the page (right before </body>) it'll execute these blocks and insert inline javascript tags to replace the invisible spans with the real content. The trick is to enable HTTP streaming so the browser can render all the page quickly and add the deferred parts as they are received.

I've been using this since May 2015 on without any trouble and decided it is time to extract it as a gem so everyone can use it. It is easy to use and pretty low-tech as it only requires HTTP/1.1 and DOM level 2 (IE6+). See the compatibility section for more details.


Add the gem to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'render-later'

In your views, simply wrap a slow piece of code into a render_later block, and gives it a unique key as argument, like you would do with cache. Example:

<div class="server">
  <%= %>
  <%= render_later "srv-uptime-#{}" do %>
    <%= server.uptime %>
  <% end %>

It's important to use the <%= erb tag here, as the helper will render a hidden span tag. If a span tag doesn't work well for you (ex: in a table), you can customize the placeholder element with the tag keyword argument, ex:

  <%= render_later "srv-uptime-#{}", tag: :tr do %>
    <tr><td><%= server.uptime %></td></tr>
  <% end %>

In your layout, before the end of the body tag, add a call to render_now:

  <%= yield %>
  <%= render_now %>

This is where the deferred blocks will be rendered and injected into the page using inline javascript.

And finally in your controller, you need to render with the stream option:

  def index
    render stream: true


Performance-wise, this approach is quite interesting, let me explain why: We know for a time that with bandwidth always increasing, web performance is getting more and more constrained by latency.

For cases like this, there is usually two ways:

  1. Render everything inline and slow down the page load.
  2. Load the slow data with Ajax, after the initial page is loaded.

The first solution is, IMO, decent if using streaming, because the browser can start loading css and js while the rest of the page is being streamed. But let's be honest, nobody does streaming, especially in the rails world, often leading to 1s+ page generation time (= 2s+ white screen for the user).

The second solution gets the first page rendered quickly but is much more complex to setup (needs another endpoint to expose the data, an Ajax call to fetch them, and some js to put the data back where it belongs, handle loading spinner, errors, etc.). It is also much slower to load, because the browser needs to load & parse all the javascript, wait to the entire page to be ready (domready), and only then it will start the ajax call, adding the whole round-trip time once again to the page loading.

Whereas with async-render, you leverage the existing open socket currently downloading the document to stream the deferred data:

  • You don't have to handle errors, because it's the same request. So if it fails at this point, the browser will simply show it's native error page.
  • You don't have to show any kind of spinner because the browser is still showing it's native loading indicator.
  • You don't increase latency because the additional data start streaming right after the page is sent. And even better, the deferred data starts rendering even if the browser didn't receive a single byte yet, so if you're on a slow network (ex: 3G, 500ms rtt), instead of delaying even more (Ajax call), you'll actually receive the document already complete, because while the network lagged, the server was working :)

So in the end, this solutions is the best of both world: you get the first paint time of the Ajax version, but with the simplicity and time-to-full-document of the simple inline version.

The only downside of this approach is that the domeady event will only be executed at the end of the request, once the body is complete. See the Gotcha section for more details.


On the server side, the gem is tested against ruby 2.1+ and rails 4.1+. The dependency is not strictly enforced though and it may work with others versions but we don't guaranty anything.

The generated javascript is a simple inline function using nothing else than DOM Core level 2 properties, so it should work flawlessly on IE6+, Firefox 2+, Chrome 1+, Edge, Safari, etc.



The domeady event will only be executed at the end of the request, once the body is complete. So if you have a lot of javascript on domready, which for example bind clicks to popups and ajax actions, there will be a timeframe during which the user will be able to click and the js isn't executed yet.

This is actually an issue with streaming or async javascript loading and has nothing to do with render-later, but as render-later pushes you to use streaming it feels right to warn you about this.

To circumvent this you can use event delegation and bind outside the domready event for example, and/or make sure your links won't lead to an error page if clicked without javascript.

Web server

Not all ruby web servers supports HTTP streaming unfortunately. So you obviously need to use one which does. Here is a non-exhaustive list of servers along with their support:

Server Supported Comment
Phusion Passenger ✔️
Unicorn ✔️ with tcp_nopush: false
puma ✔️
WEBrick default for rails s

To try it in development, I recommend adding gem 'unicorn-rails' to your Gemfile's development group and use UNICORN_WORKERS=4 rails s to start it. We need multiple processes in development to avoid blocking CSS requests during the page load. It's totally fine to develop with a single process or a server which doesn't support streaming, you just won't see the effects of the gem.


Unforunately I counldn't manage to make streaming works with gzip compression (provided by default in nginx), which means that if you're using nginx to compress your pages (and you should) this won't work, the page will be rendered all at once as before. I haven't investigated much but it seems to be because nginx need to have the whole body to compress it all at once and then start streaming the compressed body (but it's too late).

So the only workaround I have it to disable gzip compression for pages you want to stream, and no, it won't hurt performance that much. Sending 50kb html instead 6kb gzip is fine if it saves 3sec in render time.


location / {
  if ( $request_uri ~ ^/slow$ ) {
    gzip off;

Template Engine

Like for web servers, some template engine in Rails doesn't support streaming and requires to generate the entire page before sending it on the wire. You will need to avoid them at least for the layout page which will contain the render_now statement.

Template engine Supported Comment
ERB ✔️ rails default
Slim ✔️

Flash message & CSRF token

There is currently an issue with Rails i'm trying to revive about streaming causing trouble with flash messages and CSRF tokens. This is because rails waits the end of the request to check if you have used the flash message, if so it is removed from the store, otherwise it stays for the next request. But with streaming on, rails considers the requests as ended very early, before the flash message ever gets a change to be rendered. So this logic fails and keeps the flash message forever. The problem is exactly the same with the CSRF token.

The best workaround we currently have is to fool rails by accessing the flash message and CSRF token before the render call:

  # in the controller, before every streaming render.
  def index
    form_authenticity_token; flash
    render stream: true


Finally, before your scratch your head, be careful not to put fragment caching outside a render_later block, because that would actually cache the empty span but not the inline script (which is generated by render_now), so it would be a waste and the real content will never be injected. It's totally fine/recommended to use fragment caching inside the render_later block.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

After checking out the repo, run bundle install to install dependencies. Then, run rake to run the tests.

Ideas for improvement

  • Wider test coverage across browsers using Sauce Labs
  • Parallel rendering (I tried quickly but the capture helper isn't thread-safe)
  • Add options to do caching at the same time (with the same key)


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.