
A common development scenario, when using a Heroku-hosted RefineryCMS app, is to copy production data to development via the use of heroku db:pull. This gem adds a rake task to your RefineryCMS project which copies your production assets stored on s3 onto the local filesystem.


  1. Mac OS X, Linux, or UNIX.

  2. A Heroku account.

  3. A Refinery CMS project


Open up your Gemfile and add at the bottom this line:

gem 'refinerycms-s3assets'

Now, run:

$ bundle install


This gem assumes that your production Heroku app is storing assets on Amazon s3 and that your Heroku app has the following three config vars properly defined: S3_BUCKET, S3_KEY and S3_SECRET ( see for more info).

Start by copying your production database to your local database:

$ heroku db:pull

To copy all Image and Resource files from S3 you can now run the following:

$ rake refinery:download_s3_assets


Please see MIT-LICENSE for more details.

Copyright © 2011 Rounders Consulting Inc.