About ReFe

ReFe is reference manual searcher.
This program get entries from RD document or C code.


 % ruby setup.rb config
 % ruby setup.rb setup
(% su)
 # ruby setup.rb install

 For detailes of setup.rb, try "ruby setup.rb --help".


Set "REFE_DATA_DIR" environment variable before invoking ReFe.

  $ REFE_DATA_DIR=/usr/local/share/refe
  $ export REFE_DATA_DIR

  % setenv REFE_DATA_DIR /usr/local/refe

"/usr/local/share/refe" might change by your installation.


% refe <method name>
% refe <class name>
% refe <class name> <method name>

Names can omitted.  For example, you can use "Has" "Ha" "H"
instead of "Hash". e.g.

  % refe h each_pair

shows document of Hash#each_pair.
Here's some more examples:

[Documentation of methods]

  % refe String              Shows all methods of class String.
  % refe each_with_index     Shows document of Enumerable#each_with_index
  % refe String#index        Shows document of String#index
  % refe s#ind               Shows document of String#index
  % refe inde                Shows a method list (Array#index String#index ...)
  % refe s ind               Shows document of String#index
  % refe st g!               Shows document of String#gsub!

[C functions, from method name]

  % refe -c s g!               Shows code of rb_str_gsub_bang()

[C functions]

  % refe -C rb_str_gsub_bang   Shows code of rb_str_gsub_bang()
  % refe -C r e s w            Shows code of rb_eval_string_wrap()
  % refe -C r eval             Shows code of rb_eval()

[Documentation of C functions]

  % refe -e r d class          Shows document of rb_define_class()
  % refe -e _s args            Shows document of rb_scan_args()


GNU LGPL, Lesser General Public License version 2.
For details, see the file "COPYING".

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                                                      Minero Aoki