
This utility provides a way to move the contents of one redis DB to another redis DB. It is inspired by the redis-copy.rb script included in the redis source, but supports the following additional features:

  • all known data types (original supported set, list, and string, dropping the others without warning)
  • if available on both dbs, will use DUMP/RESTORE commands (redis v2.6+)
  • support for more than just db0


$ gem install redis-copy


The current options can be grabbed using the --help flag.

$ redis-copy --help
redis-copy v0.0.5
Usage: redis-copy [options] <source> <destination>
    <source> and <destination> must be redis connection uris
    like [redis://]<hostname>[:<port>][/<db>]

Specific options:
        --strategy STRATEGY          Select strategy (auto, new, classic) (default auto)
                                       auto:    uses new if available, otherwise fallback
                                       new:     use redis DUMP and RESTORE commands (faster)
                                       classic: migrates via multiple type-specific commands
        --[no-]pipeline              Use redis pipeline where available (default true)
    -d, --[no-]debug                 Write debug output (default false)
    -t, --[no-]trace                 Enable backtrace on failure (default false)
    -f, --[no-]fail-fast             Abort on first failure (default false)
        --[no-]verify [PERCENT]      Verify percentage of transfers -- VERY SLOW (default 0)
        --[no-]prompt                Prompt for confirmation (default true)
        --[no-]allow-nonempty        Allow non-empty destination (default false)
        --[no-]dry-run               Output configuration and exit


$ redis-copy --fail-fast --yes
Source:      redis://
Destination: redis:// (empty)
Key Emitter: Default
Strategy:    New
PROGRESS {:success=>1000, :attempt=>1000}
PROGRESS {:success=>2000, :attempt=>2000}
PROGRESS {:success=>3000, :attempt=>3000}
PROGRESS {:success=>4000, :attempt=>4000}
DONE: {:success=>4246, :attempt=>4246}


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request