
This gem is currently under development.

Token based authentication gem for a Rails + Mongoid.

We decided to build this gem after trying to use some some other token authentication gems that needed Devise and it didn’t work out well with Mongoid.

RedTokenAuth goal is to provide a simple authentication interface for Rails using Mongoid.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

ruby gem 'red_token_auth'

And then execute: bash $ bundle

Or install it yourself as: ```bash $ gem install red_token_auth

``` ## Usage You’ll be able to include the module in the model like so.

(Pay attention to the fields, because ALL of them are REQUIRED for the proper use of this gem. ```ruby class User include Mongoid::Document include RedTokenAuth

# Mandatory fields for this gem. field :email, type: String field :password_digest, type: String field :reset_password_token, type: String field :reset_password_token_sent_at, type: Time field :authentication_token, type: String field :uid, type: String # Default must be “email”. field :provider, type: String, default: “email” end ```

And you must include other module in your controller: ruby class ApplicationController < ActionController::API include RedTokenAuth::Controllers::Authentication end

Authenticating the user: ```ruby class UsersController < ApplicationController before_action only: [:update] { authenticate! :admin } before_action only: [:show] { authenticate! :user }

def update @admin = current_admin # Code … end

def show @user = current_user end end ``` By using the authenticate!(:user) in your controller, you’ll have access to current_user.

Included methods

  • User#sign_in

    It’ll return User#create_new_authentication_token if "password" matches the user password and an authentication_token will be generated for the user. If it doesn’t match, errors will be added to User#errors and false will be returned.

    ruby user.sign_in("password")

  • User#sign_out

    The user’s authentication_token will be set to nil. Returns true if the update is successful and false Otherwise.

    ruby user.sign_out

  • User#generate_password_token

    A random token will be generated and stored in User#reset_password_token. You’ll probably be sending this token to the user via email or push notifications so they can then change their password.

    ruby user.generate_password_token

  • User#update_password

    This method is used when the user wants to update their password. If the current password doesn’t match errors will be added to User#errors and false will be returned. Otherwise it’ll return true. ruby user.update_password(current_password: "password", password: "new_password", password_confirmation: "new_password")

  • User#reset_password

    This method is used after the User#generate_password_token and the User#reset_password_token now stores a token. ruby user.reset_password(reset_password_token: "token", password: "new_password", password_confirmation: "new_password")

  • User#create_new_authentication_token

    This method will create new authentication token for the user and will return a hash that can be appended to the headers. ```ruby user.create_new_authentication_token #=> => “==wei2989896756-_”, “uid” => “[email protected]”, “token-type” => “Bearer”

    # In controller scope: request.headers.merge!(user.create_new_authentication_token) ```


ruby RedTokenAuth.configure do |config| config.email_regex = /\A[^@\s]+@[^@\s]+\z/ config.password_length = 8..20 end


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.