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Iterate over a set of dates, giving an iteration conditions.

This gem provides an enumerator RecurringDate::Enumerator, selecting specific dates due to the recursion pattern.

RecurringDate::Enumerator is lazy so pattern can be applied to an infinite set of dates.

The enumerator operates on objects that implements the Enumerator#each and yields Date.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'recurring_date'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install recurring_date



RecurringDate module adds two methods to class Date:

Method Description
#mweek Returns a number - n'th occurence of the week day in the month.
#to_enum Returns RecurringDate::Enumerator enumerator with given range from self iterating forever (infinite set).


The enumerator implements bunch of chainable methods to provide simple DSL for selecting wanted recursion pattern.

Pattern DSL
dates matching condition { ❘d❘ condition }
dates not matching condition enumerator.reject { ❘d❘ condition }
dates matching condition (with index i) enumerator.select_with_index { ❘d, i❘ condition }
dates from beginning as long as condition is fulfilled enumerator.take_while { ❘d❘ condition }
n dates from beginning enumerator.take(n)
every 4th of October enumerator.month(10).mday(4)
every 3rd and 23rd of August enumerator.month(8).mday(3, 23)
every 17th June and July enumerator.month(6, 7).mday(17)
every 10th and 12th of February and April enumerator.month(2, 4).mday(10, 12)
every 13th of the month enumerator.mday(13)
every 21st and 23rd of the month enumerator.mday(21, 23)
every Friday enumerator.wday(5)
every Saturday and Sunday enumerator.wday(6, 0)
every Saturday and Sunday enumerator.matching(6, 0) { ❘d❘ d.wday }
every Saturday and Sunday enumerator.matching(6, 0, &:wday)
every 4th day enumerator.pattern(4)
every 7th or 10th day enumerator.pattern(7, 10)
every second Friday enumerator.wday(5).pattern(2)
every 2nd Monday of the month enumerator.wday(1).mweek(2)
2nd and 4th Sunday of the month enumerator.wday(0).mweek(2,4)
3rd Tuesday and Wednesday of the month enumerator.wday(2,3).mweek(3)
until date enumerator.until(date)
  • There is a method RecurringDate::Enumerator.eternity that returns RecurringDate::Enumerator instance that iterates perpetualy over every day after 1970-01-01.
  • The RecurringDate::Enumerator.from(date) method does the same, but from date.
  • Every enumerator method (except select, select_with_index, reject, take, take_while and until) has a corresponding method with not_ prefix.
  • For rails models the pattern can be used to select records, like: Model.where('column::date IN (?)', dates).


require 'recurring_date'
rule = RecurringDate::Enumerator.eternity
rule.wday(5).mweek(1)                       # => enumerator of all first Fridays of a month
rule.pattern(2).until(, 8, 1)) # => enumerator of every second day until 2020-08-01
rule.wday(6,0).mweek(2,4).take(8)           # => enumerator of next four 2nd and 4th weekends of a month
rule.to_a                                   # => array of `Date` instances (be careful - it can be infinite)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in lib/recurring_date/version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at