
Daniel Lucraft danlucraft.com/blog/2010/03/jruby-prof/

This is a clone of ruby-prof for JRuby. It supports all the usual output modes, plus a call tree output mode.

The only measure mode it currently supports is wall time.

*** NB. This is really new code. It probably has lots of bugs and things. - March 2010 ***


$ jruby -S gem install jruby-prof


In your program:

require 'rubygems'
require 'jruby-prof'

result = JRubyProf.profile do
  # my stuff

JRubyProf.print_flat_text(result, "flat.txt")
JRubyProf.print_graph_text(result, "graph.txt")
JRubyProf.print_graph_html(result, "graph.html")
JRubyProf.print_call_tree(result, "call_tree.txt")
JRubyProf.print_tree_html(result, "call_tree.html")

In order to tell JRuby to send events to JRubyProf for processing, you must run your script with the debug flag on:

$ jruby --debug my_script.rb

Or you can use its gem script:

$ jruby --debug -S jruby-prof scriptname.rb

Which will profile the entire script, create a local directory named “profile” and output one copy of each graph type there.