
#              rb_scope
#     ( C2Ruby wrapper to NI-Scope drivers )
#  version     2.0.4
#  author      hugo benichi
#  email       [email protected]
#  copyright   2012 hugo benichi
#  reproduction 
#    You can use this code without restriction if you mention my name in your project.
#    Other than that, you can redistribute and/or modify without restriction.
#  description 
#    A Ruby layer wrapping around C calls to the NI-Scope drivers.
#    Most C data manipulation and C calls are done through the FFI gems.
#	  In addition a few C methods are provided for improved efficiency when handling data
#  installation
#    gem install ni_scope-x.y.z.gem
#  usage
#    refer to rb_scope/test/test_rb_scope.rb
#  binaries
#    the gem comes with precompiled 32bits libraries which should run on
#    Windows 32/64 bits without issues if your niScope drivers are
#    installed correctly
#    If necessary, the source files and script files to produce the binaries
#    are included with this gem, in rb_scope/ext/
#    Two binary dlls are required 
#    Because of a recent change in the NiScope drivers, it is now necesaary to use
#    MSVS cl and link to compiles them (it should be theoretically possible with mingw
#    but I have better things to do). To be able to compile the project on your PC
#    you should install Visual Studio C++ Express and use the VS developper prompt
#    which automatically configures your %PATH% variable and allows you to use MSVS
#    compiler and linker.
#    If everything is fine you can just compile fetch.dll and rb_scope.dll with rake
#    Run at the gem root directory the commands
#      rake dll_fetch
#      rake dll_rb_scope
#    My scripts assume that you have a normal NiScope driver installation when looking 
#    for header files from NI. In the event these hardcoded paths are not correct, you
#    should edit rakefile.rb and provides paths to headers and to static libraries .lib
#    Expected path of the necessary header files and library:
#     niScope.h, ivi.h, iviScope.h
#       C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\IVI\Include
#     visa.h, visatype.h, vpptype.h
#       C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\VISA\WinNT\include
#     niScope.lib
#       C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\IVI\Lib\msc
#       C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\IVI\Lib_x64\msc
#       C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\VISA\WinNT\Lib\msc
#       C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\VISA\WinNT\Lib_x64\msc