Welcome to RakeTasks

RakeTasks provides basic rake tasks for generating documentation, building and installing gems, and running tests. It will also load additional rake tasks if they are in a folder named 'tasks'. mmmm yummy

The following assumptions are currently made:

  • There is a valid .gemspec file in the root folder that is named the same as the root folder.

  • Tests reside in a folder named either 'test' or 'tests' and test files are named test.rb or test.rb.

Additionally, if you have sub-folders under test(s) (i.e. test/unit, test/performance), they will be available using rake test:unit and rake test:performance. Sub-folders that do not contain files matching the test file name patterns will not be included in this set.

You may run a single test from any test file by using the following:

rake test:test_file[test_method]

test_file is the name of the test file without the pattern, so if you have a test named my_class_test.rb with a test method named my_test_method, it would be invoked by:

rake test:my_class[my_test_method]
  • Additional rake tasks are named *.rb and reside in a folder named 'tasks'.

  • README generation useo the gemspec data to populate the license information.

If README.md does not exist, one will be created. If README.md does exist, a README_GENERATED.md file will be created, so as not to overwrite a 'real' README.md file.

The default task will be set in the following order:

  1. If tests are found, rake will run test:all.

  2. If tests are not found, but an appropriately named .gemspec file is, gem:build will be run.

  3. If no tests or .gemspec are found, rdoc:app will be run.

Getting Started

Install RakeTasks at the command prompt if you haven't yet:

$ gem install rake_tasks

Require the gem in your Gemfile:

gem 'rake_tasks', '~> 2.0.6'

Require the gem wherever you need to use it:

require 'rake_tasks'


2.0.6 Use markdown for generated README.
      Convert rake_task's README to markdown and rename it to README.md.

      The gemspec is now located by extension rather than root folder.

2.0.5 Specify load order of rake tasks.

2.0.4 Added license files to the included files in the gemspec.
      Excluded Gemfile.lock from included fileo in the gemspec.

2.0.3 Added bundle_install.sh to the included files in the gemspec.

2.0.2 test:[test_file] will now run all the tests in the specified file
      if a method is not specified. It should be noted that 'test_file' is
      the name of the file with the test pattern removed
      (i.e. 'my_module_test.rb' => 'my_module',
      'test_my_module.rb' => 'my_module').

2.0.1 Added test:full task (requires rvm).

      test:full allows a user to run tests against multiple ruby/gemset/rake
      configurations by specifying them in a yaml file in the test folder.

      A common rubies.yml file might look something like this:

      - ruby: 1.9.2
        gemset: my_gem_test
      - ruby: 1.9.3
        gemset: my_gem_test

Additional Documentation

rake rdoc:app


RakeTasks is released under the LGPLv3 license.