
AIM: To save time by giving a boilerplate, and a thought flow.

A step by step generator. This will get uniqueness, validations from you, and write the appropriate files (model, migration, model_spec).

The specs generated here assumes you are using

  • Rspec (>3.0)
  • Shoulda matchers
  • FactoryGirl

NOTE: You need to use this app at the root of your rails directory

Disclamier: Things like mocks, stubs and proper testing might not be possible with this project. The aim is to automate as many things as possible, this is not a panacea :) .


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rails_zen'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rails_zen



model g (generate)

rails_zen model g user name:string score:integer
  • Once you enter this command, you will have few questions asked such as what to validate, which attribute is unique.
  • Based on your input, the model, model_spec and migration files will be written

model act (action)

rails_zen model act calculator sum
  • When you want to add a method to your model, you could invoke this command.

  • This will get inputs from you such as:

    • what the method does
    • the argument names
    • sample argument with a corresponding output
  • Based on these input, a skeleton method will be written to your model file and model spec file

OPTIONS: If you want to write a class method you can pass --class option like this

rails_zen model g calculator sum --class

Use help to see the examples

rails_zen model g help
rails_zen model act help

You could see this sample video demonstrating the usage of the gem.



  • Create aliases for these commands in your bashrc or zshrc.
  • I'm using

    alias rzmg="rails_zen model g " alias rzma="rails_zen model act "

rzmg user name:string score:integer
rzma user calculate_score


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/rails_zen/fork )

    bundle binstub rspec-core bundle binstub cucumber

    bin/rspec bin/cucumber

  • This project uses thor. You could refer this blog post to get a quick idea.
  • To read the source code, start with lib/cli.rb & bin/rails_zen
  1. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  2. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  3. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  4. Please write unit test using rspec and integeration spec using aruba/cucumber.
  5. Create a new Pull Request