Language Redirect

Redirects to the appropriate language section based on the content encoding preferred by the Web browser.

Version History

  • 2/2013 – Radiant 1.1.x compatible, fix deprecations, gemify
  • 5/2011 – Radiant 1.0 compatible
  • 4/2009 – Radiant 0.8 compatible
  • 2/2009 – Radiant 0.7 compatible
  • 1/2007 – Intital Import


  • add to your Gemfile: gem "radiant-language_redirect-extension"
  • run bundle


You can add a “config” part to the page which maps languages to URLs in the following format:

  lang: url
  lang: url

Where “lang” refers to a language code and “url” refers to the URL which should be redirected to based on the preferred content encoding of the Web browser.

The following listing is a sample “config” page part:

  en: /en/
  ja: /ja/
  <strong>: /en/
In this example, when the browser prefers English content it will be redirected to the “/en/” URL. When it prefers Japanese content it will be redirected to the “/ja/” URL. In the event that the browser prefers something other than English or Japanese content, they will be redirected to the “/en/” URL. This is what the "" in the last entry does. URLs can be either relative (without “http://hostname.tld”) or absolute (with “http://hostname.tld”).

If no “config” part is specified the behavior will force the page to redirect to the “/en/” folder.


Created by Giovanni Intini, maintained by contributors