Radiant Grandchildren Tags Extension


An extension by Benny Degezelle that adds r:grandchildren tags. Think of this tag like r:aggregate, where the paths attribute would be the urls of all the children of the current page. All features of r:children are implemented, see Available Tags.

Tested on Radiant CMS 1.0.0.rc2, but should work for 0.9.1+ (uses Radiant's render_children_with_pagination)


git clone git://github.com/jomz/radiant-grandchildren_tags-extension.git vendor/extensions/grandchildren_tags

Available Tags

* <r:grandchildren:count>
* <r:grandchildren:first>
* <r:grandchildren:last>
* <r:grandchildren:each>
* <r:grandchildren:each:if_first>
* <r:grandchildren:each:unless_first>
* <r:grandchildren:each:if_last>
* <r:grandchildren:each:unless_last>
* <r:grandchildren:each:header>

See the "available tags" documentation built into the Radiant page admin for more details.