
A Rack middleware that should indicate the health of your service.


Here is a simple example (see examples)

map '/ping' do
  use Rack::Ping do |ping|
    ping.check_url  "http://localhost:9292/"
    ping.ok_regex /goodbye/

run lambda{|env| [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, ["hello"]]}


When building/mounting your rack, use the ping configuration variable, specify:

  • version is an accessor for your application version. App::VERSION would be a good idea.
  • check_url is a url that ping will fetch and run ok_regex on. If the match is ok, we're good. You must specify check_url and ok_regex togather. timeout_secs is the amount of seconds we wait until spitting out an error.
  • check will accept a block to run. This is a good alternative to check_url: run a couple of sanity checks to indicate you're good.
  • ok_code, error_code, ok_text, error_text are configuration for you to use, to configure against LB quirks. The default config should work against ELBs (Amazon elastic LB).


ping will output intelligent headers. First x-ping-error will try to explain why ping failed.

Next, x-app-version will expose the current deployed version of your app. This is good in order to validate nothing crawled up to production, as well as validation for post-production deployment.

ping will bust any browser/client cache for you.


Guard is set up for your ease of development. Here's how to go from 0 to ready.

$ git clone https://github.com/jondot/rack-ping
$ cd rack-ping
$ bundle install
$ guard

Fork, implement, add tests, pull request, get my everlasting thanks and a respectable place here :).

Copyright (c) 2011 Dotan Nahum @jondot. See MIT-LICENSE for further details.