R18n Desktop

A tool to translate your desktop application in several languages.

It is just a wrap for R18n core library. See R18n documentation for more information.


  • It has special support for countries with two official languages. If there isn’t translation in user locale, it will be found in locales, which user may know (not only in default locale). For example, many people in Belarus can understand Russian, and locale has information about it.

  • It can format numbers and time to the rules of the user locale, translate month and week days name and give other locale information.

  • It has translation for commons words, like “OK”, “Cancel”, etc.

  • It storage translation in rich YAML format. You can put procedures and pluralization (“1 comment”, “5 comments”) or create you own filters.

How To

  1. Create translations dir. For example: ./i18n/.

  2. Add file with translation in some language. For example ./i18n/en.yml:

      add: Add file
      delete: Delete file %1
    files: !!pl
      0: No files
      1: One file
      n: %1 files
    author: !!proc |name| "This file was created by #{name.capitalize}"
  3. Add R18n to your application:

    require 'r18n-desktop'
  4. Load I18n object:

    i18n = R18n.from_env 'i18n/'

    Or, if user can optional set locale manually:

    i18n = R18n.from_env 'i18n/', manual_locale
  5. Use translation messages to user. For example:

    i18n.file.add             #=> "Add file"
    i18n.file.delete('Test')  #=> "Delete file Test"
    i18n.files(1)             #=> "One file"
    i18n.files(12)            #=> "12 files"
    i18n.author('user')       #=> "This file was created by User"
    i18n.l -12000.5           #=> "−12,000.5"
    i18n.l Time.now           #=> "08/09/2009 21:41"
    i18n.l Time.now, :human   #=> "now"
    i18n.l Time.now, :full    #=> "August 9th, 2009 21:41"
    # Base translation
    i18n.ok                   #=> "OK"
    i18n.cancel               #=> "Cancel"


R18n is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3. You can read it in LICENSE file or in www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html.


Andrey “A.I.” Sitnik <[email protected]>