
Quickdraw is currently in development. You should almost definitely not use it in a project until 1.0 is released.

[!TIP] Your test files are executed in an anonymous class, so you can define methods and constants at the top level without worrying about collisions. If you’re testing something that references Class.name, you may have to define those classes as fixtures somewhere else.

Getting Started

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'quickdraw'

And then execute:

bundle install

Now create a file called config/quickdraw.rb.

To run tests, execute:

bundle exec qt

It stands for "quickdraw tests".


Quickdraw searches for files that end with .test.rb. You can put these anywhere. Some people like to put them under /tests or /spec. Others like to put them next to the code they're testing.


Use the test method to define a test. The description is optional — sometimes you don’t need it.

test { assert true }

You can pass skip: true to skip the test. Skipped tests are still run; they pass if they fail and fail they pass.

test(skip: true) { assert false }


You can optionally wrap tests in any number of describe blocks, which can take a description as a string or module/class.

describe Thing do
  # your Thing tests here


assert takes a value and passes if it’s truthy.

test "something" do
  assert true

You can pass a custom failure message as a block. Using blocks for the failure messages means we don’t waste time constructing them unless the test fails. You don’t need to worry about expensive failure messages slowing down your tests.

test "something" do
    assert(false) { "This is a custom failure message" }


refute is just like assert, but it passes if the value is falsy.

test "something" do
  refute false

expect matchers

expect takes either a value or a block and returns an expectation object, which you can call matchers on.

== and !=

test "equality" do
  expect(Thing.foo) == "foo"
  expect(Thing.bar) != "foo"


test "raises" do
  expect { Thing.bar! }.to_raise(ArgumentError) do |error|
    expect(error.message) == "Foo bar"


test "mocks and spies" do
  expect(Thing).to_receive(:foo) do |a, b, c|
    # The block receives arguments and can make assertions about them.
    expect(a) == 1
    expect(b) != 1

    # Either return a mock response or call the original via `@super`

  Thing.foo(1, 2, 3)