

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'quanto-ruby'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install quanto-ruby


This gem is a simple OAuth client for Quanto. Most of the logic is handled by the underlying OAuth2 library, so this gem is simply a wrapper around authenticated API calls.

To get started, you can create a client like this:

  client = Quanto::Client.new(ENV['QUANTO_KEY'], ENV['QUANTO_SECRET'], access_token: 'my token')

where 'my_token' should be your actual access token. Once you have a Client, you have access to the following methods:

  • #record_entry(value, metric_name, options={})

    This method records an entry for the given metric in Quanto. The optional third argument lets the user specify a date, but the default is today. For instance, the following call would record 20 steps for today:

    client.record_entry(20, :steps)

    while this call would record 137 pushups for April 1st 2013.

    client.record_entry(137, :pushups, date: '2013-04-01')
  • #plugin_url

    Returns the URL of this plugin on Quanto. Useful when redirecting the user after authenticating.

  • #activate_plugin

    Activates the plugin in Quanto. This should be called whenever the plugin has successfully obtained all 3rd party credentials and is ready to send data.

  • #metrics

    Returns a list of metrics enabled for the current plugin of the following format:

      'name' => 'steps',
      'metric_type' => 'count',
      'name' => 'sleep',
      'metric_type' => 'minutes',