
Qlive-Rails is a Ruby on Rails engine for running qunit javascript tests using server-side factories and user login.

To use qlive-rails and also have the ability to run your qlive tests headlessly, skip this installation page and visit qlive-rspec


  • Add qlive-rails to your Gemfile:

    group :development do
      gem 'qlive-rails', :require => 'qlive/engine'
  • Mount the engine in routes.rb:

    if Rails.env == 'development'
      mount Qlive::Engine => '/qlive'


Wiki pages:

  • Qlive-suites for how to use qlive and create suites.

  • Factory_girl Tips for how to use factory girl in your qlive suites.

  • Devise Tips for logging in users with devise in your qlive suites.

  • Once you have some qlive suites in place, visit /qlive in your app and follow the links within to run them.