
QingCloud API Library to handle instances, networks, etc. on QingCloud.com


You can install qc.rb via RubyGems:

gem install qc.rb

Important Notice

I'm not a native chinese speaker! Yet the complete documentation of QingCloud.com is in chinese! Due to that it is reasonable to expect that my understanding of the API might not be 100% correct! You are very welcome to improve the code!


You can use qc.rb via qc as a CLI or direct as a Ruby library.


Get all public keys:

CLI Version:

qc ssh describe

.rb Version:

# Each Public Key is available in *s*
QC::KeyPair.describe {|s| puts s}


Get all instances:

CLI Version:

qc ins describe

.rb Version:

# Each instance is available in *i*
QC::Instance.describe {|i| puts i}

Create new Instance:

QC::Instance.run instance_name: 'NameOfInstance', login_keypair: 'kp-sadasd67' # => instance_id

Delete Instance:

i = QC::Instance.load 'i-adssad7'
i.terminate! # => {"action"=>"TerminateInstancesResponse", "job_id"=>"j-asd7djk", "ret_code"=>0}

Add IP device to Instance:

i = QC::Instance.load 'i-adssad7'
i.ip = 'eip-sadjkdsa7'  # => 'eip-sadjkdsa7'

Add Key Pair to Instance

i = QC::Instance.load 'i-adssad7'
i.add_keypair 'kp-2hadqpv3'  # => 'kp-2hadqpv3'


Get all IPs:

CLI Version:

qc ip describe

.rb Version:

# Each IP is available in *i*
QC::Eip.describe {|i| puts i}

Allocate new IP:

# Create IP width bandwidth 3MB
Eip.allocate bandwidth: 3   # => eip_id

Release IP:

# Release IP with ID 'eip-12djpg8q'
Eip.load('eip-12djpg8q').release!   # => true | false

Change Bandwidth:

# Change bandwidth of IP with ID 'eip-12djpg8q' to 2MB
ip = Eip.load('eip-12djpg8q')
ip.bandwidth = 2     # => 2


Get all Volumes:

CLI Version:

qc vol describe

.rb Version:

# Each Volume is available in *v*
QC::Volume.describe {|v| puts v}