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Adds callback hooks for your ActiveModel models for sending messages to a Pusher channel.


Install and configure Pusher to work on your application by following the pusher gem's instructions.

Then, add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "pusherable"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install pusherable


Add in the following lines to any ActiveModel model class:


A pusherable model triggers events on a default channel of test_channel, just like the Pusher example docs, that it will publish to.

On your subscribed client(s), events will be triggered by Pusher reflecting your ActiveModel create, update and destroy actions.

Here is a list of the ActiveModel callbacks that trigger Pusher events...

ActiveModel callbacks (Non-Transactional):

after_create will trigger "model.create"
after_update will trigger "model.update"
before_destroy will trigger "model.destroy"

ActiveModel callbacks (Transactional):

after_commit on :create will trigger "model.create"
after_commit on :update will trigger "model.update"
after_commit on :destroy will trigger "model.destroy"


If you have an ActiveModel model called, Post, and you create a new record, Pusher will receive an event called, "post.create". It will also carry a payload of data containing a JSON representation of the record (literally calling #to_json on the record).

The following callbacks that trigger Pusher events in this Post example will then be...

ActiveModel callbacks (Non-Transactional):

after_create will trigger "post.create"
after_update will trigger "post.update"
before_destroy will trigger "post.destroy"

ActiveModel callbacks (Transactional):

after_commit on :create will trigger "post.create"
after_commit on :update will trigger "post.update"
after_commit on :destroy will trigger "post.destroy"

Currently this gem extends ActiveRecord::Base and Mongoid::Document (if defined).

ActiveRecord::Base.extend Pusherable

For any other ActiveModel compliant data store, simply mirror this statement.


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request