puncsig: Punctuation Signatures

What Is This?

Inspired by Ward Cunningham's Signature Survey: A Method for Browsing Unfamiliar Code, "puncsig" is short for "punctuation signature": it parses ruby code, and shows you just the punctuation from the methods. It gives you a rough idea of the length of each method, and helps you spot similar methods.


In your Gemfile:

gem 'puncsig'

...or on your command line:

$ gem install puncsig

You know, the basics.

Use It

In your rails app:

$ bundle exec rake -T puncsig
rake puncsig:all          # Run puncsig on the whole app
rake puncsig:controllers  # Run puncsig on just the controllers
rake puncsig:helpers      # Run puncsig on just the helpers
rake puncsig:lib          # Run puncsig on just the files in lib
rake puncsig:models       # Run puncsig on just the models

TODO In a normal ruby app. It's not quite here yet, I want to separate it out a bit more. Coming soon, promise!

Example: rstat.us

Just for fun, let's take a look at the rstat.us source. I chose rstat.us strictly because a) it was open-source ruby, and b) it cleanly installed, so whatever puncsig says about the source, that's a great start - and I gave up on several others, because I couldn't get them installed easily. We all have code that needs some love, and I have much love for the people behind rstat.us.

$ be rake puncsig:models


author_attributes:  {:=>,:=>,:=>,:=>,:=>,:=>,:=>}==().==.==.==.&&==.&&==.&&==.&&==.&&==.
avatar_url:         @..{||..==}..
email:              =@.==
initialize:         ()@=
bio:                @..
name:               @..
uri:                @.
username:           @.


no_malformed_username:                   (=~/[@!#$\%&()*,^~{}|`=:;\\\/\[\]\?]/).?&&(=~/^[.]/).?&&(=~/[.]$/).?&&(=~/[.]{,}/).?.(:,.,,.)
send_mention_notification:               (,)=.:=>=.:=>=://#{.}/=::.(.())=..=.(..)=::.(.,.)=.(.,,{-=>/-+})
edit_user_profile:                       ()[:].?[:].?[:]==[:].=[:]..=.==[:].=[:]..=[:].=[:].=[:].=[:]...
following_url?:                          ()=.(:=>).?.?(://#{.}/)=[/\/\/(.+)$/,]=[.(:=>)].?!(&).?!
send_unfollow_notification:              ()=.:=>=::.(.,..)=..=.(..)=::.(.,.)=.(.,,{-=>/-+})
send_follow_notification:                ()=.:=>=::.(.,..)=..=.(..)=::.(.,.)=.(.,,{-=>/-+})


Look at these two signatures from app/models/discussion_list.rb:

send_unfollow_notification:              ()=.:=>=::.(.,..)=..=.(..)=::.(.,.)=.(.,,{-=>/-+})
send_follow_notification:                ()=.:=>=::.(.,..)=..=.(..)=::.(.,.)=.(.,,{-=>/-+})

There's clearly something similar about them. Here's the source:

  # Send Salmon notification so that the remote user
  # knows this user is following them
  def send_follow_notification(to_feed_id)
    f = Feed.first :id => to_feed_id

    salmon = OStatus::Salmon.from_follow(author.to_atom, f.author.to_atom)

    envelope = salmon.to_xml self.to_rsa_keypair

    # Send envelope to Author's Salmon endpoint
    uri = URI.parse(f.author.salmon_url)
    http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
    res = http.post(uri.path, envelope, {"Content-Type" => "application/magic-envelope+xml"})

  # Send Salmon notification so that the remote user
  # knows this user has stopped following them
  def send_unfollow_notification(to_feed_id)
    f = Feed.first :id => to_feed_id

    salmon = OStatus::Salmon.from_unfollow(author.to_atom, f.author.to_atom)

    envelope = salmon.to_xml self.to_rsa_keypair

    # Send envelope to Author's Salmon endpoint
    uri = URI.parse(f.author.salmon_url)
    http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
    res = http.post(uri.path, envelope, {"Content-Type" => "application/magic-envelope+xml"})

Definitely some kind of duplication there, and these methods aren't right next to each other in the source.

And it helps us find really long methods, like these bad boys:

generate_html:              =.().!(/([]?:\/\/\+[---\/}])/,<=\\>\\</>).!()||$=.(:=>/^#{$}$/,:=>/^#{$}$/)=..?(/)=://#{.}#{}#{$}<=#{}>@#{$}@#{$}</>$=.(:=>/^#{$}$/)=..?(/)=://#{.}#{}#{$}<=#{}>@#{$}</>.!(/(^|\+)#(\+)/)||#{$}<=/?=%#{$}>##{$}</>.=


  • break it up & test it a bit.