
- UNDER CUNSTRUCTION! This is Dev version (0.0.x) -

! TODO: Update README (new concept and features) !

Development progress can be reached at CHANGELOG

Ruby >= 2.3.0 require

What is Pult?

Universal API service for manage your appications and system tasks via Ruby or HTTP.

You can manage your apps localy or remotely.


gem install pult


Proceed from the fact, that we have:

  • Single Linux host (virtual or bare) with ruby installed
  • You want to run your applications on it and manage them
  • You want to manage some system tasks too

Talking about usage Pult, first of all we need to talk about use cases..

Use Cases

There are to types of it:

  1. Manage one application
  2. Manage many applications

Manage many applications is the feature of Pult. But to understand the concept and use technique, we start with first item.

1. Manage ONE application

1.1. Configure app actions via pult.yml

Put .pult.yml into root of your app folder <app>/.pult.yml and create any actions you need for manage app:

  # actions is a simple linux shell commands
  test:       'sleep 20 && echo 123'

  # can combine actions of the same level
  up:         [pull, prepare, start]
  restart:    [stop, start]

  pull:       git pull

  prepare:    rails assets:precompile

  # if var is upcase, it will be required in API as a param
  start:      rails s -e production -p $PORT

  # if var is downcase, it will be not required, just local stuff
  stop:       f=tmp/pids/server.pid; if [ -f "$f" ]; then rm $f; fi

  # can grouping actions in sublevels
    clean:    '>log/production.log'
    view:     cat log/production.log

1.2. Understanding what Pult gives you after that

Pult provides a bunch universal actions, based on your app actions that you configured in pult.yml by adding some special postfixes to them (like _job, _out and etc..)

List of this new Pult API actions, that do some things:

  • <action> to get source code of action or run it
  • <action>_job to run action in a backround
  • <action>_out to get STDOUT of action
  • <action>_err to get STDERR of action
  • <action>_suc to get success status of action (true or false)

1.3. Start Pult HTTP server and manage your app via API

Main principle of interact with API is:

  • GET method is used for view something
  • POST method is used for run something

Lets start it.

In your app folder, type:

pult server

Yep. Pult API server is running (default port is 7070).

Now, for example with curl, you can:

# GET method is default

# See source code of actions
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/test
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/up
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/restart
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/pull
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/prepare
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/start
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/stop
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/log/clean
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/log/view

# Run actions (be careful, can block you runtime)
curl -X POST http://localhost:7070/api/appname/test
curl -X POST http://localhost:7070/appname/up
curl -X POST http://localhost:7070/appname/restart
curl -X POST http://localhost:7070/appname/pull
curl -X POST http://localhost:7070/appname/prepare
curl -X POST http://localhost:7070/appname/start
curl -X POST http://localhost:7070/appname/stop
curl -X POST http://localhost:7070/appname/log/clean
curl -X POST http://localhost:7070/appname/log/view

# Run actions in a background (asynchronously)
curl -X POST http://localhost:7070/appname/test_job
curl -X POST http://localhost:7070/appname/up_job
curl -X POST http://localhost:7070/appname/restart_job
curl -X POST http://localhost:7070/appname/pull_job
curl -X POST http://localhost:7070/appname/prepare_job
curl -X POST http://localhost:7070/appname/start_job
curl -X POST http://localhost:7070/appname/stop_job
curl -X POST http://localhost:7070/appname/log/clean_job
curl -X POST http://localhost:7070/appname/log/view_job

# See results of runned actions (STDOUT, STDERR, success status)
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/test_out
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/test_err
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/test_suc
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/up_out
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/up_err
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/up_suc
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/restart_out
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/restart_err
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/restart_suc
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/pull_out
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/pull_err
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/pull_suc
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/prepare_out
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/prepare_err
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/prepare_suc
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/start_out
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/start_err
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/start_suc
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/stop_out
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/stop_err
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/stop_suc
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/log/clean_out
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/log/clean_err
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/log/clean_suc
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/log/view_out
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/log/view_err
curl http://localhost:7070/appname/log/view_suc


Usage: Via Ruby



  • [ ] README (Usage via Ruby, Pult config, Licence)
  • [ ] HTTP API swagger documentation WEB interface
  • [ ] Live Stdout / Stderr / Pid of tasks, running in background
  • [ ] Tests