
This gem packages the PubNub Javascript SDK for the Rails asset pipeline


Versioning follows the core releases of the PubNub Javascript SDK

For instance: using gem 'pubnub-js', '~> 3.7.14' in your Gemfile will include the version 3.7.14 of the PubNub Javascript SDK in your Rails app.

See the list of available versions on the gem page


→ In your Gemfile add:

gem 'pubnub-js'

and run :

bundle install

→ In your application.js add:

//= require 'pubnub'


If you notice that this gem is not using the last version of the PubNub Javascript SDK. You can easily bundle a new version of the pubnub-js gem with a new version of the PubNub Javascript SDK by following these steps :

  1. Fork this repository ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b update-to-[new version number])
  3. Update the pubnub.js file located at vendor/assets/javascripts/pubnub.js by replacing it with the new version and update the version number in version.rb with the corresponding version.
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Version [new version number]')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin update-to-[new version number])
  6. Create a new Pull Request