
It's rails gem to integrate polish payment method:


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'przelewy24_payment'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install przelewy24_payment

After this create przelewy24_payment config:

$ rails g przelewy24_payment:install

And you can there "config/initializers/przelewy24_payment.rb" setup your settings:

Przelewy24Payment.setup do |config|
  config.seller_id = 'your_seller_id'
  config.language = 'pl'
  config.mode = Rails.env.to_sym  # or just put :development or :production symbol
  config.error_url = '/your_controller/comeback'
  config.comeback_url = '/your_controller/comeback'
  config.hostname = {
      :development => "http://localhost:3000",
      :production => "your.domain",
      :staging => "staging.domain"


Your controller e.g 'PaymentController' should only include:

class YourPaymentController < ApplicationController
  include Przelewy24PaymentController

And you should also have this methods in your payment controller:

class YourPaymentController < ApplicationController
  include Przelewy24PaymentController

  # after success payemnt this method will be trigger
  # so you can do whatever you want
  def payment_success(payment_params)
    # payment_params returns hash with:
    # p24_session_id
    # p24_order_id
    # p24_kwota
    # p24_karta
    # p24_order_id_full
    # p24_crc

    # e.g
    # payment = Payment.find_by_session_id(payment_params[:p24_session_id])

  # after error payment this method will be trigger
  # so you can do whatever you want
  def payment_error(payment_params, code, description)
    # payment_params returns hash with:
    # p24_session_id
    # p24_order_id
    # p24_kwota
    # p24_error_code
    # p24_order_id_full
    # p24_crc
    # code return error code
    # description return error description

  # method to setup params to verify it final verifyciation
  # so you can do whatever you want
  def payment_verify(response_params)
    # e.g:
    # payment = Payment.find_by_session_id(response_params[:p24_session_id])

    # you must return hash with amount which was save in your db and optional if you use your crc_key
    return data = { :amount => payment.value }


    # optional variant:
    return data = { :amount => your_payment_value, :crc_key => your_crc_key }

Last step, on your payment view e.g 'app/views/YourController/your_payment.html.haml' you should add:

= payment_button(@data)

And also on your payment controller you should specify @data hash e.g:

class YourPaymentController < ApplicationController
  include Przelewy24PaymentController

  def your_payment
    session_id = Przelewy24Payment.friendly_token[0,20]
    value = give_your_amount
    @data = { :session_id =>  session_id,
              :description => "opis",           # optional param
              :value => value,
              :client => 'Adam Nowak',          # optional param
              :address => 'Powstancow 22/2',    # optional param
              :zipcode => '53-456',             # optional param
              :city => 'Wroclaw',               # optional param
              :country => 'Polska',             # optional param
              :email => '[email protected]',
              # adding this params, you overwrite your config settings so this param is optional
              # :language => 'pl',
              # :crc => your_crc_key,
              # :seller_id => seller_id


Finish :)


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