
Gem Version

JRuby 9k-compatible pry debugging!

Requires JRuby >=

Using MRI? I strongly recommend pry-byebug instead!

Adds step, next, finish, and continue commands and breakpoints (break/breakpoints) to Pry.

To use, run JRuby with the --debug flag, and then invoke pry normally:

def some_method
  binding.pry          # Execution will stop here.
  puts 'Hello, World!' # Run 'step' or 'next' in the console to move here.

You can also add the --debug flag to your JRUBY_OPTS environment variable, so it will be picked up by any ruby application. Do note that running JRuby in debug mode does have a noticeable impact on performance.

Execution Commands

  • step: Step execution into the next line or method. Takes an optional numeric argument to step multiple times.

  • next: Step over to the next line within the same frame. Also takes an optional numeric argument to step multiple lines.

  • finish: Execute until current stack frame returns.

  • continue: Continue program execution and end the Pry session.


You can set and adjust breakpoints directly from a Pry session using the following commands:

  • break: Set a new breakpoint from a line number in the current file, a file and line number, or a method. Pass an optional expression to create a conditional breakpoint. Edit existing breakpoints via various flags. Type break --help from a Pry session to see all available options.


break SomeClass#run            Break at the start of `SomeClass#run`.
break Foo#bar if baz?          Break at `Foo#bar` only if `baz?`.
break app/models/user.rb:15    Break at line 15 in user.rb.
break 14                       Break at line 14 in the current file.

break --condition 4 x > 2      Change condition on breakpoint #4 to 'x > 2'.
break --condition 3            Remove the condition on breakpoint #3.

break --delete 5               Delete breakpoint #5.
break --disable-all            Disable all breakpoints.

break                          List all breakpoints. (Same as `breakpoints`)
break --show 2                 Show details about breakpoint #2.
  • breakpoints: List all defined breakpoints. Pass -v or --verbose to see the source code around each breakpoint.

Remote debugging

Support for pry-remote is also included. Requires explicity requiring pry-debugger-jruby, not just relying on pry's plugin loader.

Want to debug a Rails app running inside foreman? Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'pry'
gem 'pry-remote'
gem 'pry-debugger-jruby'

Then add binding.remote_pry where you want to pause:

require 'pry-remote'

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def index
    # ...

Load a page that triggers the code. Connect to the session:

$ bundle exec pry-remote


Stepping through code often? Add the following shortcuts to ~/.pryrc:

if defined?(PryDebuggerJRuby)
  Pry.commands.alias_command 'c', 'continue'
  Pry.commands.alias_command 's', 'step'
  Pry.commands.alias_command 'n', 'next'
  Pry.commands.alias_command 'f', 'finish'


pry-debugger-jruby is maintained by Ivo Anjo and is based off the awesome previous work from the pry-debugger creators:

Patches and bug reports are welcome. Just send in a pull request or issue :)