
Yet another Prowl API gem. Includes a command line interface. Depends on (the very awesome) httparty.

Install: gem install robbevan-prowlr --source=

Add event:

Prowlr.add(:apikey => 'apikey', :event => 'Notification from prowlr gem', :description => "Sent: #{}")
=> {"code"=>"200", "remaining"=>"981", "resetdate"=>"1247481311"}

Required: apikey and event or description. Optional: application, providerkey, priority. See API for details.

Create instance and add event:

prowlr ='apikey')
prowlr.add(:event => 'Notification from prowlr gem', :description => "Sent: #{}")
=> {"code"=>"200", "remaining"=>"980", "resetdate"=>"1247481311"}


=> {"code"=>"200", "remaining"=>"979", "resetdate"=>"1247481311"}

Valid API key?

=> true (or false)

Remaining calls:

=> 997 (or nil if API key not valid)

Reset date:

=> Mon Jul 13 11:35:11 +0100 2009 (or nil if API key not valid)

See examples.

From the command line:

prowlr -h
USAGE: /opt/local/bin/prowlr [options] [apikey] [event]
    -a, --application [APPLICATION]  Name of your application. Defaults to prowlr.gem if omitted.
    -d, --description [DESCRIPTION]  Description of the event
    -k, --providerkey [PROVIDER KEY] Your provider API key. Only necessary if you have been whitelisted.
    -p, --priority [PRIORITY]        Priority: an integer value ranging [-2, 2]: Very Low, Moderate, Normal, High, Emergency. Defaults to 0 if omitted.
    -h, --help                       Show help documentation

Post a url to your iPhone:

prowlr apikey -d '' 'URL'

Post a phone number:

prowlr apikey -d '0800 800 8000' 'Phone number'

Copyright (c) 2009 Rob Bevan. See LICENSE for details.