
ProgressTracker is a very simple API for logging and retreiving the progress of a given background task. It lets you track the progress / status of multiple objects, and retrieve them as a single set.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'progress_tracker'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install progress_tracker


Track objects associated with a simple name, or emable the user of a class / id pair

pt =
pt =, id)

# Sane Defaults
pt =, 10)
pt.to_hash # => { progress: 0, message: "" }

Update the progess / messages on the base object

pt.progress 50
pt.message "String"
pt.status "BAD"

Or, just chuck anything you want in there

pt.update progress: 50, message: "Strang.", status: "BAD", herpy: "derpy"

Alternatviely, track seperate, named sub-objects, again with name or class / id pair

pt.track :cycle
pt.track :bill, 10
pt.track :bill, 11
pt.track :bill, 13

# update progress percentage
pt.cycle.progress 34
pt.bill(34).progress 92

# update status message
pt.cycle.message "Message"
pt.bill(34).message "Message"

# or, update them both at the same time
pt.cycle.update progress: 14, message: "Message"
pt.bill(34).update progress: 14, message: "Message"

Then, in an new context, re-initialise and retreive a complete overview:

pt =, id)
pt.to_hash # => {
  _base: { progress: 19, message: "Message" },
  cycle: { progress: 19, message: "Message" },
  bill_10: { progress: 19, message: "Message" },
  bill_11: { progress: 19, message: "Message" },
  bill_13: { progress: 19, message: "Message" },

And easily convert it to JSON as needed:



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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request