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Library to consume API-based CMS and to display fetched content into your Rails app.

This gem uses prismicio/ruby-kit gem to consume Prismic API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'prismic_rails', git: '[email protected]:fadendaten/prismic_rails.git'

And then execute:

$ bundle


Copy the initializer file by running

$ rails g prismic_rails:install

And then set the ENV variables you got from

I18n Support supports finer graded set of locals. To work with that we need to map Rails locale to the locale recognise. Define the language hash as following:

config.languages = {
  'en' => 'en-gb',
  'de' => 'de-ch',
  'fr' => 'fr-ch',
  'it' => 'it-ch',

No need to configure language hash if you don't want I18n support. English will be used by default.


PrismicRails uses Rails caching to fasten the query process. You can choose to usse it or not to use it.

$ config.caching = true


From any view of your application we can do the followings:

Query the prismic type 'blog-post' and render each document as html

<%= prismic_type 'blog-post' do |result| %>
  <%- result.documents.each do |document| %>
    <%= document.to_html %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

Query the prismic type 'blog-post' in english

<%= prismic_type 'blog-post', lang: 'en' do |result| %>
  <%- result.documents.each do |document| %>
    <%= document.to_html %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

Query only the title of the type 'blog-post

<%= prismic_type 'tea' do |result| %>
  <%= result.find_fragment('title').to_html %>
<% end %>

You can use to_text is case you want only the text.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.