Gem Version


ppc for 'pay per click'. 
This is a toolkit designed to provide consitent search engine account managing experience.

How to use it ?

Create an objects:

param = {
    se:         'baidu',        # baidu,qihu,sogou,sm
    username:   'username',
    password:   'password',
    token:      'token',
    id:         id,

# if it's a 奇虎 account
# param[:cipherkey] = 'cipherkey'
# param[:cipheriv]  = 'cipheriv'

# if it's a 神马 account
# param[:target] = 'username'


plan     =
group    =
creative =
keyword  =

Get objects info:

# get info

Add keywords:

keyword1 = { keyword: 'ppc1', group_id: 123, price:0.6, match_type:'wide'}
keyword2 = { keyword: 'ppc2', group_id: 123, price:0.6, match_type:'phrase'}
keyword3 = { keyword: 'ppc3', group_id: 123, price:0.6, match_type:'exact'}

.add_keyword( [keyword1, keyword2, keyword3] )
plan.add_keyword( [keyword1, keyword2, keyword3] )
group.add_keyword( [keyword1, keyword2, keyword3] )

Delete keywords

.delete_keyword( [123, 234, 345] )
plan.delete_keyword( [123, 234, 345] )
adgroup.delete_keyword( [123, 234, 345] )


Return values:

All mehtods return a hash:

    succ: boolean,          # true if operation success else false
    failure: Array,         # failures info if operation false, else nil
    result: Array or hash   # Response body. Account service returns a hash, 
                            # others return Array of hash

API casting:

In each service class ::PPC::API::#SE::#Service there is a member map casting PPC API to Search engine Service API, For example:  = [

ppc API keys are at the left side while search engine API keys are at the right side.

For more info please have a look into files in /ppc/api/