Pottery allows you to emerge class definitions via calling assignment methods and persist instances to a database; requires Morph and Soup gems.

Note API subject to change

Pottery example

Here’s example code showing Pottery playing with Hpricot:

> sqlite3 soup.db

> irb

require 'pottery'
require 'hpricot'; require 'open-uri'

class Hubbit
  include Pottery

  def initialize name=nil
    if name
      doc = Hpricot open("http://github.com/#{name}")

      (doc/'label').collect do |node|
        label = node.inner_text
        value = node.next_sibling.inner_text.strip

        morph(label, value)
      morph(:id_name, name)

The model emerges from the data. Let’s start by looking up ‘why’:

why = Hubbit.new 'why'

What new methods do we have?

Hubbit.morph_methods # => ["email", "email=", "name", "name="]

Ah-ha, so we have a name attribute now:

why.name #=> "why the lucky stiff"

Let’s save why for later


Ok, now it’s later, let’s restore why from the database

why = Hubbit.restore('why') #=> <Hubbit @id_name="why", @name="why the lucky stiff", @email="why@why...">

See LICENSE for the terms of this software.