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Convert gettext PO files to JSON to use in your javascript app, based on po2json.pl by DuckDuckGo, Inc.. Ideally you'll use this on a Rake task that creates JSON versions of your PO files, which can later be used from javascript with Jed


This gem is tested on the following versions automated through TravisCI:

  • Ruby
    • 1.9.3
    • 2.0.0
    • 2.1.0
  • Json
    • 1.6.8
    • 1.7.7
    • 1.8.2


gem "po_to_json", "~> 0.1.0"


Most common use would be to generate a Jed ready javascript file. For example, in a Rails project:

require "po_to_json"

json = PoToJson.new(
  Rails.root.join("locale", "de", "app.po")

Rails.root.join("app", "assets", "javascripts", "locale", "de", "app.js").write(json)

If you need a pretty json, add pretty: true to generate_for_jed, like the following example:

require "po_to_json"

json = PoToJson.new(
  Rails.root.join("locale", "de", "app.po")
).generate_for_jed("de", pretty: true)

Rails.root.join("app", "assets", "javascripts", "locale", "de", "app.js").write(json)

The javascript file generated has a global "locales" object with an attribute corresponding to the generated language:

i18n = new Jed(locales["de"])
i18n.gettext("Hello World") // Should evaluate to "Hallo Welt"


Fork -> Patch -> Spec -> Push -> Pull Request




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