
Rake task that generates/updates activerecord models based on current schema in a postgresql DB.

rake db:gen_model


Generating for: my_db.public with prefix 

    Creating models for these tables

    Writing to ./app/models//user.rb
    Writing to ./app/models//account.rb

The resulting models


# encoding: utf-8

class User < ActiveRecord::Base 

    #--- auto_gen_start ---
    # This is generate using gen_pg_models, dont make changes
    # within auto_gen_XXXXX as it will be overwriten next time
    # gen_pg_models is run.

    # Columns

    #       email_address           text       
    #       password_hash           text       
    #       user_id                 int4         nextval('user_user_id_seq'::regclass)
    #       account_id            int4           

    # Table config 

    self.table_name = "user"
    self.primary_key = "user_id"
    self.sequence_name = "user_user_id_seq"

    # Constraints 

    validates_presence_of :email_address 
    validates_presence_of :password_hash 

    validates_numericality_of :user_id, :only_integer => true ,:allow_nil => true 
    validates_numericality_of :account_id, :only_integer => true

    validates_uniqueness_of :email_address

    # Foreign keys 

  belongs_to :fkey____ACCOUNT_account_id____ACCOUNT_account_id____, :foreign_key => :account_id, :primary_key => :account_id, :class_name => "Account"

    #--- auto_gen_end ---



# encoding: utf-8

class Account < ActiveRecord::Base 

    #--- auto_gen_start ---
    # This is generate using gen_pg_models, dont make changes
    # within auto_gen_XXXXX as it will be overwriten next time
    # gen_pg_models is run.

    # Columns

    #       account_id              int4         nextval('account_account_id_seq'::regclass) 
    #       name                    text

    # Table config 

    self.table_name = "account"
    self.primary_key = "account_id"
    self.sequence_name = "account_account_id_seq"

    # Constraints 

    validates_presence_of :name 

    validates_numericality_of :account_id, :only_integer => true ,:allow_nil => true 

    validates_uniqueness_of :name

    # Foreign keys 

    has_many   :fkey____USER_account_id____ACCOUNT_account_id____, :foreign_key => :account_id, :primary_key => :account_id, :class_name => "User"

    #--- auto_gen_end ---


Contributing to pgmodelgen

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
  • Fork the project.
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch.
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history.

Copyright (c) 2013 Darwin. See LICENSE.txt for further details.