Persistent Settings

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A simple key value store for ActiveRecord based applications.

Best used to store global app settings.


Add it to your Gemfile

gem 'persistent_settings'


bundle install

Use the generator to create a Config class, or whatever you want to call it, that will include all the Persistent Settings functionality.

rails g persistent_settings:create config

Run migrations

rake db:migrate


Assuming that your Persistent Settings class is named Config, it will automatically create new keys as you assign a value to them.

Config.a_key = 'value'

Reload your app:

Config.a_key # => 'value'

It accepts all kinds of objects as the value

Known Issues

Sometimes, settings are not loaded automatically at startup. If that's the case add an initializer to your Rails app.

# config/initializers/settings.rb



MIT License. Copyright 2011, Crowd Interactive