
Highly available distributed cron works with PerfectQueue.

It provides exactly-once semantics unless backend database fails. Registered schedules are surely pushed to a queue provided by PerfectQueue every time in order.

You can register, modify and delete schedules using the command line utility or library API.

Backend database is pluggable. PerfectSched supports RDBMS and Amazon SimpleDB for now.


PerfectSched uses following database schema:

  id:string        -- unique identifier of the schedule
  data:blob        -- additional attributes to be pushed to PerfectQueue
  next_time:int    -- unix time of the next schedule
  cron:string      -- description of the schedule
  delay:int        -- delay time before running a schedule
  1. list: lists tasks whose timeout column is old enough.

  2. lock: updates timeout column of the first task

  3. push: push a message to the PerfectQueue

  4. update: if it succeeded, updates the next_time and timeout columns

  5. or leave: if it failed, leave the row and expect to be retried.

Cooperation with PerfectQueue

PerfectSched pushes a task to PerfectQueue every time on schedule. The ID of the task becomes “<id of the scuedule>.<unix time of the schedule>”. For example, the identifier of the schedule is “my-sched”, and a schedule runs at “2011-08-30 00:00:00 UTC” (1314662400 in UNIX TIME), the ID of the task is “my-sched.1314662400”. The data of the task is same as the schedule.

Library usage

Adding a schedule

require 'perfectsched'

require 'perfectsched/backend/rdb'
sched =
       'mysql://user:password@localhost/mydb', table='perfectsched')

# SimpleDB
require 'perfectsched/backend/simpledb'
sched =
       'AWS_KEY_ID', 'AWS_SECRET_KEY', 'your-simpledb-domain-name')

id = 'unique-key-id'
cron = "* * * * *"
delay = 0
data = '{"any":"data"}'
start =
sched.add(id, cron, delay, data, start)

Deleting a schedule


Modifying a schedule

cron = "* * * * 0"
delay = 10
sched.modify_sched(id, cron, delay)

data = '{"user":1}'
sched.modify_data(id, data)

sched.modify(id, cron, delay, data)

Command line usage

Usage: perfectsched [options]
        --setup PATH.yaml            Write example configuration file
    -f, --file PATH.yaml             Set path to the configuration file

        --list                       Show registered schedule
        --delete ID                  Delete a registered schedule

        --add <ID> <CRON> <DATA>     Register a schedule
    -d, --delay SEC                  Delay time before running a schedule (default: 0)
    -s, --start UNIXTIME             Start time to run a schedule (default: now)

    -S, --modify-sched <ID> <CRON>   Modify schedule of a registered schedule
    -D, --modify-delay <ID> <DELAY>  Modify delay of a registered schedule
    -J, --modify-data <ID> <DATA>    Modify data of a registered schedule

    -b, --daemon PIDFILE             Daemonize (default: foreground)
    -o, --log PATH                   log file path
    -v, --verbose                    verbose mode


First of all, create a configuration file:

$ perfectsched --setup config.yaml
$ edit config.yaml

Adding a schedule

$ perfectsched -f config.yaml --add unique-key-id "* * * * *" '{"any":"data"}'

Deleting a schedule

$ perfectsched -f config.yaml --delete unique-key-id

Modifying a schedule

$ perfectsched -f config.yaml --modify-sched unique-key-id "* * * * 0"
$ perfectsched -f config.yaml --modify-delay unique-key-id 10
$ perfectsched -f config.yaml --modify-data unique-key-id '{"user":1}'

Listing registered schedules

$ perfectsched -f config.yaml --list
                        id             schedule    delay                  next time                   next run  data
                     test1            * * * * *        0  2011-08-30 01:29:42 +0900  2011-08-30 01:29:42 +0900  {"attr1":"val1","attr":"val2"}
1 entries.

Running a scheduler

$ perfectsched -f config.yaml

It’s recommended to run the scheduler on several servers for availability.