Pepipost SDK - Ruby

This is the official Pepipost SDK for Ruby.

It requires Ruby 2+

This SDK requires the Unirest library.


Run the build command

gem build pepipost_apiv_10.gemspec

Run the install command

gem install ./pepipost_apiv_10-1.0.0.gem


require 'pepipost_apiv_10'

data = { 
    "recipients"=> ["[email protected]","[email protected]"],
    "email_details" => {
        "fromname" => "sender name",
        "subject" => "This is a test email sent usig Pepipost SDK for Ruby",
        "from" => "[email protected]",
        "content" => "<p>This is a test email sent using Pepipost SDK for Ruby</p>",

email = 
response = email.send data

print response


Tabby/Pepipost Devs

This SDK was semi-automatically generated by APIMATIC v2.0. Thanks to APIMATIC