

PDF::Burst is a gem that lets you split a PDF document with several pages into single page files.


We needed this functionality for the development of Lehtilompakko, and did not want any Java app to do the job.


Simple! Once you install the 'pdf-burst' gem, all you need is:

require 'pdf-burst'

By default, the PDF files will be output to your current working directory. But that's not what you want, is it?

PDF::Burst.new("document.pdf", :output => "/tmp").run!

Better, huh?

Another default is the page name. They'll all be nicely named like "page_1.pdf", "page_2.pdf". We let you change that too:

PDF::Burst.new("document.pdf", :filename => "doc.%04d").run!

Would output them like this: "doc.0001.pdf", "doc.0002.pdf", etc.

If you want thumbnails to be generated for each page, just use the thumbnail option with the thumbnail size.

PDF::Burst.new("document.pdf", :thumbnail => "128x128").run!

This requires ImageMagick to be installed, as it uses the 'convert' command.

Special thanks

Thanks to Hopeinen Norsu for letting us release this as open-source.


Check the LICENSE file. It's the MIT license.