
This gem was developed to aid Cameroon businesses to make both national and international payments using MTN and Orange Mobile Money, Paypal, Credit Card and Express Union.


Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:

$ bundle add payunit

If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:

$ gem install payunit


Follow the instructions below to make payments locally:

  • Create an account on Payunit to obtain your api_key, api_password, api_username

To Make A Payment

  • Add the gem directly to your Gemfile using: gem 'payunit', '~>'

  • If you plan to use .env then add: gem 'dotenv' to your gemfile in order to save your secret credentials

    payment =
    ENV.fetch('PAY_UNIT_API_KEY', nil),
    ENV.fetch('PAY_UNIT_API_USERNAME', nil),
    ENV.fetch('PAY_UNIT_API_PASSWORD', nil),
    ENV.fetch('PAY_UNIT_RETURN_URL', nil),
    ENV.fetch('PAY_UNIT_NOTIFY_URL', nil),
    ENV.fetch('PAY_UNIT_MODE', nil),
    ENV.fetch('PAY_UNIT_CURRENCY', nil))

payunit_url = payment.make_payment(amount.to_i, transaction_id)

- Create a PayUnit Class and call the payment method:
```payment =, api_username, api_password, return_url, notify_url, mode, currency)```

- Next is to call the ```payment.make_payment(amount, transaction_id)``` function.

- The ```payment.make_payment()``` have optional parameters such as:

@purchaseRef = purchaseRef
@description = description
@name = name
- The above parameters are acceptable by payunit but they are optional and needs to be passed as ```payment.make_payment(amount, purchaseRef, description, name)```

- The above code will open a payment url that will be used to make the payment
- Make payments anywhere in your rails app by running the following
1. payment =, ENV(api_username), ENV(api_password), return_url,notify_url, mode, currency)
2. Get the payment data and url like this

payment_url = payment.make_payment(amount)

3. This following function will open the url in the browser

redirect_to payment_url["data"]["transaction_url"]

## To Get A Payment Transaction Details

- In order to get transaction detail for a transaction recently made, you have to use the following function and pass in the `transaction_id` you had earlier passed in at the time of the payment.


The response you would get looks like this:

{ "status": "PENDING", "statusCode": 200, "message": "Transaction may not exist", "data": { "transaction_id": "757898467", "transaction_amount": "500", "transaction_currency": "XAF", "transaction_gateway": "mtnmomo", "transaction_status": "SUCCESS", "notify_url": "", "redirect_url": "" } }

# Note
- Amount is an integer gotten from the user
- Notify url is the success url to redirect to when the request is successful 
- Return url is the url to return to when the request fails
- Mode is the the environment of the payment whether it is test or live
- Currency the country currency the payment will be made in 

### ✒️ Authors

👤 **Stanley Enow Lekunze**

- Github: [@happiguru](
- LinkedIn:[LinkedIn](


- GitHub: [@che30](
- Twitter: [@BlanchardNsoh]( )
- LinkedIn: [Che Blanchard](

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at [Create New Issue]( This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [code of conduct]([happiguru]/payunit/blob/main/

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](

## Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Payunit project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the [code of conduct]([USERNAME]/payunit/blob/main/