
A drop-in replacement for the current Pathname class.


* facade
* ffi (Windows only)
* test-unit (testing only)


gem install pathname2


require 'pathname2'

# Unix
path1 ="/foo/bar/baz")
path2 ="../zap")

path1 + path2 # "/foo/bar/zap"
path1 / path2 # "/foo/bar/zap" (same as +)
path1.exists? # Does this path exist?
path1.dirname # "/foo/bar"
path1.to_a    # ['foo','bar','baz']

# Windows
path1 ="C:/foo/bar/baz")
path2 ="../zap")

path1 + path2 # "C:\\foo\\bar\\zap"
path1.root    # "C:\\"
path1.to_a    # ['C:','foo','bar','baz']

Windows Notes

All forward slashes are converted to backslashes for Pathname objects.

Differences between Unix and Windows

If your pathname consists solely of ".", or "..", the return
value for Pathname#clean will be different. On Win32, "\\" is returned,
while on Unix "." is returned.  I consider this an extreme edge case and
will not worry myself with it.

Differences between Pathname in the standard library and this version

* It is a subclass of String (and thus, mixes in Enumerable).
* It has sensical to_a and root instance methods.
* It works on Windows and Unix.  The current implementation does not work
  with Windows path names very well, and not at all when it comes to UNC
* The Pathname#cleanpath method works differently - it always returns
  a canonical pathname.  In addition, there is no special consideration
  for symlinks (yet), though I'm not sure it warrants it.
* The Pathname#+ method auto cleans.
* It uses a facade for all File and Dir methods, as well as most FileUtils
* Pathname#clean works slightly differently.  In the stdlib version,
  Pathname#clean("../a") returns "../a".  In this version, it returns "a".
  This affects other methods, such as Pathname#relative_path_from.
* Accepts file urls and converts them to paths automatically, e.g.
  file:///foo%20bar/baz becomes '/foo/bar/baz'.
* Adds a Kernel level +pn+ method as a shortcut.
* Allows you to add paths together with the '/' operator.

Method Priority

Because there is some overlap in method names between File, Dir, and
FileUtils, the priority is as follows:

* File
* Dir
* FileUtils

In other words, whichever of these defines a given method first is the
method that is used by the pathname2 library.

Known Issues

In Ruby 1.8.3 and 1.8.4 you will see a failure in the test suite regarding
'fu_world_writable?' from FileUtils.  You can ignore this.  That method is
supposed to be private. See ruby-core:7383.

Any other issues should be reported on the project page at

Future Plans

Suggestions welcome.


Artistic 2.0
(C) 2003-2015 Daniel J. Berger
All rights reserved.


This library is provided "as is" and without any express or
implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.


Daniel J. Berger