Parliament Data API Wrapper (Ruby)

parliament-ruby is a gem created by the Parliamentary Digital Service to allow easy communication with the internal parliament data api.

Gem Build Status Test Coverage License

NOTE: This gem is in active development and is likely to change at short notice. It is not recommended that you use this in any production environment.



parliament-ruby requires the following:


This gem is currently not available on RubyGems. To use it in an application, install it directly from GitHub via your Gemfile

gem 'parliament', git: '', branch: 'master'


This gem's main function is fetching an n-triple file from a remote server and converting it into linked ruby objects.

Note: Comprehensive class documentation can be found on rubydocs.

Setting up a connection

In order to connect to a remote server, we first need to set a base_url value, from which we will build an 'endpoint'. The base_url should be the beginning of a url without the trailing slash. For example instead of

parliament = '')

Setting a base URL 'globally'

Within code you can set a global base URL using the following snippet.

Parliament::Request.base_url = ''

# The base_url should be set for all new objects #=> ''

# You can still override the base_url on an instance by instance basis '').base_url #=> ''

Alternatively, you can set the environment variable PARLIAMENT_BASE_URL on your machine and we will automatically use that.


Parliament::Request.base_url #=> nil #=> ''

Building an 'endpoint'

Now that we have a base_url set, we will want to build an 'endpoint' such as:

An endpoint is effectively just a full URL to an n-triple file on a remote server.

Building an endpoint is simple, once you have a Parliament::Request object, you do something like this:

parliament = '') #=>  #<Parliament::Request [...]>

# Target endpoint: ''

# Target endpoint: ''

# Target endpoint: ''

Setting headers

Setting headers 'globally'

Within the code you can set global headers using the following snippet.

Parliament::Request.headers = { 'Accept' => 'Test' }

# The headers should be set for all new objects #=> { 'Accept' => 'Test' }

# You can still override the headers on an instance by instance basis { 'Accept' => 'Test2' }).headers #=> { 'Accept' => 'Test2' }


parliament-ruby comes with the following common methods:

Method Description
#get Make a GET request - Make a HTTP GET request to the endpoint we have built, and create Ruby objects.
#filter Filter the response - After making a GET request, filter the objects returned by type attribute.
#sort_by Sort the response (ASC) - After making a GET request, sort the result in ascending order.
#reverse_sort_by Sort the response (DESC) - After making a GET request, sort the result in descending order.

Note: Comprehensive class documentation can be found on rubydocs.


Once you've built your endpoint (parliament.people.current), we use the #get method to tell us you're ready to get the data.

# Target endpoint: ''
response = parliament.people('123').letters('456').get #=> #<Parliament::Response [...]>

response.each do |node|
  # If your n-triple file contains a literal object it is stored into an instance variable accessible via the predicate
  # name. For example, with the following triple:
  # <> <> 'Matthew Rayner' .
  # You would be able to access the `name` attribute like so:
  puts #=> 'Matthew Rayner'

  # If your n-triple file contains a triple who's object is a URI, and that URI is defined within your file, a link will
  # be created, allowing you to 'connect' the two objects. For example, with the following triples:
  # <> <> 'Matthew Rayner' .
  # <> <> <> .
  # <> <> "1992-04-09"^^<> .
  # You would be able to access the start date attribute on the linked object like so:
  puts node.graph_id        #=> '12345'
  puts            #=> 'Matthew Rayner'
  puts node.partyMembership #=> [#<Grom::Node @startDate=...>]

  puts node.partyMembership.first.startDate #=> "1992-04-09"

#get returns a Parliament::Response object which contains all of the nodes from our n-triple response.


If your n-triple file contains a number of different objects you can filter based on type attribute.

# Target endpoint: ''
response = parliament.people.members.current.get #=> #<Parliament::Response [...]>

# Given the below set of triples, you will be able to filter on 'type' attribute.
# <> <> <> .
# <> <> <> .
# <> <> <> .
# <> <> <> .
# The filter method returns an array of filtered responses. Each response holding just items with the given type attribute.
filtered_responses = response.filter('', '', '')
filtered_responses #=> [<#Parliament::Response [...]>, <#Parliament::Response []>, <#Parliament::Response [...]>]


Once you have a Parliament::Response object, you can perform an ascending sort on the results by using the #sort_by method.

#sort_by is an ascending order sort i.e. (a..z, 0..9)

# Target endpoint: ''
response = parliament.people.members.current.get #=> #<Parliament::Response [...]>

# Given the below set of triples, you can sort ascending like so:
# <> <> "1997-01-01"^^<> .
# <> <> "1991-03-15"^^<> .
# <> <> "2011-09-04"^^<> .
# <> <> "1981-07-31"^^<> .
# <> <> "1997-07-31"^^<> .
# The sort_by method returns a sorted array of Grom::Nodes, sorted by one, or many, symbols passed to it.
sorted_response = response.sort_by(:startDate)

# Output each of the graph_id and startDate values
sorted_response.each { |node| puts "#{node.graph_id} - #{node.respond_to?(:startDate) ? node.startDate : 'undefined'}" }
# - undefined
# - 1981-07-31
# - 1991-03-15
# - 1997-01-01
# - 2011-09-04

NOTE: #sort_by places all nil responses at the start of the sort. For a more custom sort, take a look at Parliament::Utils.sort_by.


#reverse_sort_by simple implements #sort_by and calls #reverse! on the resulting array. The above example would become:

# - 2011-09-04
# - 1997-01-01
# - 1991-03-15
# - 1981-07-31
# - undefined


Included with parliament-ruby is Parliament::Utils. This module includes helper methods commonly used throughout


Method Description
#sort_by Sort an enumerable thing (ASC) - An implementation of ruby's #sort_by method that allows nil sorts.
#reverse_sort_by Sort an enumerable thing (DESC) - Reverse the result of Parliament::Utils.reverse_sort_by

One of the common use cases we have is sorting objects by a date (e.g. seat incumbency end date) where an object without an end date is considered 'current' and should be sorted to the top (or bottom) of a list.

Because we working with graph databases, a node without an endDate simply has no method when converted to an object with GROM.

The Parliament::Utils.sort_by method takes a hash of options, detailed below:

response = parliament.people('123').get.filter('')

objects = response.first.incumbencies

options = {
  list: objects,          # An enumerable of objects (most commonly an Array)
  parameters: [:endDate], # An array of actions which we will sort by
  prepend_rejected: false # {optional  default=true} Should any objects that are 'rejected' be prepended to the sorted list, or appended. i.e. where to put objects that don't respond to parameters provided

sorted_list = Parliament::Util.sort_by(options)

sorted_list.each { |incumbency| puts incumbency.respond_to?(:endDate) ? incumbency.endDate : 'Current' }
# - 1981-07-31
# - 1991-03-15
# - 1997-01-01
# - 2011-09-04
# - Current

This method, under the hood, calls Parliament::Utils.sort_by and runs #reverse! on the result.

Following the above example, and changing:

sorted_list = Parliament::Util.sort_by(options)


sorted_list = Parliament::Util.reverse_sort_by(options)

should result in:

    # - Current
    # - 2011-09-04
    # - 1997-01-01
    # - 1991-03-15
    # - 1981-07-31

Getting Started with Development

To clone the repository and set up the dependencies, run the following:

git clone
cd parliament-ruby
bundle install

Running the tests

We use RSpec as our testing framework and tests can be run using:

bundle exec rake


If you wish to submit a bug fix or feature, you can create a pull request and it will be merged pending a code review.

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Ensure your changes are tested using Rspec
  6. Create a new Pull Request


parliament-ruby is licensed under the Open Parliament Licence.