
This gem lets you run your RSpec examples in parallel across across your CPUs. Each worker gets its own database to avoid conflicts.


Add this to your application's Gemfile:

group :development, :test do
  gem 'parallel_rspec'

Or if you use Spring:

group :development, :test do
  gem 'spring-prspec'

And then execute:

$ bundle

This version of ParallelRSpec has been tested with RSpec 3.3.


By default, ParallelRSpec will use two workers. If you would like to use more, set an environment variable:

$ export WORKERS=4

ParallelRSpec runs each worker with its own copy of the test database to avoid locking and deadlocking problems. To create these and populate them with your schema, run:

$ bundle exec rake db:parallel:create db:parallel:prepare

ParallelRSpec will automatically make the database name for each worker based on the name you used for the test environment in config/database.yml. For example, if your normal test database is foo_test, worker 1 will keep using foo_test but worker 2's database will be foo_test2.

You're then ready to run specs in parallel:

$ bundle exec prspec spec/my_spec.rb spec/another_spec.rb

Or if you use Spring:

$ bundle exec spring prspec spec/my_spec.rb spec/another_spec.rb

You may like to make an alias:

$ alias prspec='bundle exec spring prspec'
$ prspec spec/my_spec.rb spec/another_spec.rb

When you change WORKERS, don't forget to restart Spring and re-run the create and populate steps above if necessary.

To set up a rake task which uses parallel_rspec, use, for example: do |t|
    ENV['WORKERS'] = '4'
    t.pattern = "**/spec/*_spec.rb"
    t.rspec_opts = "--tag parallel"
    # etc...


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


  • Charles Horn (@hornc)


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Copyright (c) Powershop New Zealand Ltd, 2015.