Papa Gem Version Build Status

Helper tool for inDinero's git workflow. Ako ang papa mo.


Getting Started

Install papa from Rubygems.

$ gem install papa

That's it, you're ready to go!


Detailed information about what these commands do can be found in

papa release

Starting a release branch

$ papa release start -v 17.12.0

Adding feature branches to a release branch

If you want to specify the feature branches using -b:

$ papa release add -v 17.12.0 -b feature/1 feature/2 feature/3

If you want to use vi to specify the feature branches:

$ papa release add -v 17.12.0

Finishing a release branch

$ papa release finish -v 17.12.0

papa hotfix

Starting a hotfix branch

$ papa hotfix start -v 17.12.0

Adding bugfix branches to a hotfix branch

If you want to specify the bugfix branches using -b:

$ papa hotfix add -v 17.12.0 -b bugfix/1 bugfix/2 bugfix/3

If you want to use vi to specify the bugfix branches:

$ papa hotfix add -v 17.12.0

Deploying a hotfix branch to a hotfix environment

$ papa hotfix deploy -v 17.12.0

Finishing a hotfix branch

$ papa release hotfix -v 17.12.0

papa integration

Starting an integration branch

$ papa integration start -f develop

Adding branches to an integration branch

If you want to specify the feature branches using -b:

$ papa integration add -v 17.12.0 -b feature/1 feature/2 feature/3

If you want to use vi to specify the feature branches:

$ papa integration add -v 17.12.0

Deploying an integration branch to an integration environment

$ papa integration deploy -v

papa sandbox

$ papa sandbox generate