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PaginatedTable is a Rails plugin that makes rendering paginated, sorted HTML tables dead simple.


  • rails 3.2 (3.1 may work)
  • will_paginate 3.0
  • jquery-rails


Add paginated\_table to your Gemfile and bundle install.

Add the paginated\_table javascript to your application's javascript requires after jquery and jquery\_ujs:

//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require paginated_table


PaginatedTable mixes helper methods into ActionController::Base and ActionView::Base, conveniently named paginated_table.


The paginated_table helper is an instance method you can call in an action that paginates a table:

class ProductsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    paginated_table :products => Product.all

This will sort the collection using Arel's order method, paginate the given collection using will_paginate, store the page in an instance variable with the name of the hash key, e.g. @products, and if the request is AJAX, renders a partial response.


The paginated_table helper is an instance method you can call in a view that renders a paginated table. To work with the AJAX pagination, the call must appear in a partial with the same name as the table's instance variable, e.g. products.html.erb. Thus, we might have:

In index.html.erb:


<%= render :partial => 'products' %>

and in products.html.erb:

<%= paginated_table(@products) do |table|
      table.column :name, :sortable => false
      table.column :price do |price|
      table.column :qty, :title => 'Quantity'
    end %>

The div.paginated_table element on the page will be updated for successful AJAX responses.

The table DSL provides a column method by which you describe the table. The column calls correspond to columns in the rendered table. Columns with no block send their name to the records to get their cell values, while columns with blocks yield to them the records to get their cell values. Columns are sortable by default, but may be rendered unsortable with the :sortable option set to false.

The table gets a header row with titleized column names, and a wrapping header and footer with pagination info and links. The pagination links are decorated to be AJAX requests by jquery-rails, the results of which overwrite the paginated_table div. The column names corresponding to sortable columns are linked to sort the table ascending, then descending, restarting at the first page of the collection.


<div class="paginated_table">
  <div class="header">
    <div class="info">
      ... will_paginate info ...
    <div class="links">
      <div class="pagination">
        ... will_paginate links ...
  <table class="paginated">
        <th class="sortable sorted_asc">...</th>
        <th class="sortable">...</th>
  <div class="footer">
    <div class="info">
      ... will_paginate info ...
    <div class="links">
      <div class="pagination">
        ... will_paginate links ...


  • AJAX links should be optional

  • AJAX busy indicator

  • AJAX error indicator