
Pages.js is a framework for History pushState. It allows you to manage pages JS code and forget about low-level APIs.

History pushState is a API to manage user history, it allows you to change document URL from JS and have full AJAX pages, without # in URL.

For example, user on click on usual link (, but browser doesn’t load new URL. JS loads new page by AJAX, changes pages with some animation and changes URL to Of course, you can use Back button (and go to or send current URL to your friend (and friend will open contact’s page directly).

History pushState is supported by modern browsers, but Pages.js will work in browsers without this API too. They will load pages in an old way with document reloading.

Sponsored by Evil Martians.

Quick Start

  1. Wrap your page content (without layout, header and footer) into <article class="page" data-url="/url" data-title="Page">…</article> and set page URL to data-url and title to data-title attribute.
  2. Change your server code, to respond AJAX requests without layout. Just check HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH HTTP header to equal "XMLHttpRequest".

For example, in Ruby on Rails add to ApplicationController:

   layout :disable_for_ajax
   def disable_for_ajax
     request.xhr? ? nil : 'application'
  1. Add Pages.js library to your pages: html <script src="./pages.js"></script> See Installing section for details.

That’s all. Now your pages will be changed without document reloading (and JS interruption) and with simple nice animation.

Of cource, you can customize wrap tags and load method. Quick Start show only default way.


Ruby on Rails

For Ruby on Rails you can use gem for Assets Pipeline.

  1. Add pagesjs gem to Gemfile:
   gem 'pagesjs'
  1. Install gems:
   bundle install
  1. Include Pages.js to your
   #= require pages


If you don’t use any assets packaging manager (it’s very bad idea), you can use already minified version of the library. Take it from:



You can register page handler, to run some JS code for special pages:

Pages.add('.comments-page', {
  load:  function($, $$, page) {
    $$('.add').click(function() {
  open:  function($, $$, page) {
  close: function($, $$, page) {

Pages.add(selector, options) allow you to set options for all pages selected by selector:

  • load: function ($, $$, page) which will be called, when page is loaded (already contained in document or loaded after by AJAX). Good place to add events handlers to HTML tags.
  • open: function ($, $$, page) which will be called, when page becomes visible (it is happened when document ready and when URL is changed).
  • close: function ($, $$, page) which will be called, when page becomes hidden (URL changed and another page become to be open).

Callbacks get three arguments:

  • $: jQuery.
  • $$: jQuery finder only in current page (a little bit faster and more safely than $). For example $$('a') is equal to $('a', page).
  • page: jQuery-nodes of selected pages.

You can pass load as second argument without other options:

Pages.add('.comments-page', function($, $$, page) {


When Pages.js load new page by AJAX it sets page-loading class to body and trigger page-loading event on it. When page is loaded, page-loading class will be removed and page-loaded event will be triggered. .loader {
  display: block;

Link, which is clicked to open new page, will get page-loading class and page-loading, page-loaded events too.

.menu {
  background: url(loading.gif);


Pages.animations hash contain available animations. You can change current animation by Pages.animation:

Pages.animation = 'fade';

You can change animation for special page or link by data-page-animation attribute.

You can create you own animation, just add object with animate function. When animation ends, you must call done argument. = {
  animate: function(prev, next, done, data) {
    next.coolShowing(function() {
Pages.animation = 'cool';

Argument data contains merged page and link data attributes:

<a href="/" data-direction="right">Home</a>
<a href="/products" class="current">Products</a>
<a href="/contacts" data-direction="left">Contacts</a>
Pages.animation.slide = {
  animate: function(prev, next, done, data) {
    next.slideShow(data.direction, function() {
Pages.animation = 'slide';


If you want to preload some pages, just add them to HTML and hide. For example:

<article class="page" data-url="/products">
  <a href="/products/1">Product 1</a>
  <a href="/products/2">Product 2</a>
  <a href="/products/3">Product 3</a>

<article class="page" data-url="/products/1" style="display: none"></article>
<article class="page" data-url="/products/2" style="display: none"></article>
<article class="page" data-url="/products/3" style="display: none"></article>

If you want to preload page by JS (for example, after onload event), just use Pages.preload(url) method. URL can contain several pages, and can be different from pages URL.

$(document).load(function() {


  1. To run tests you need node.js and npm. For example, in Ubuntu run:
   sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
  1. Next install npm dependencies:
   npm install
  1. Run test server:
   ./node_modules/.bin/cake test
  1. Open tests in browser: localhost:8000.
  2. Also you can see real usage example in integration test: localhost:8000/integration.