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PageObject stub generator for RubyMine.

targets = Dir.glob(File.join(__dir__, '..', 'page', '*_page.rb'))
output  = File.join(__dir__, '..', 'stub')
exclude = /#{Regexp.escape('base_page.rb')}/
PageObjectStubs.generate targets: targets, output: output, exclude: exclude
# Creates stubs from target Ruby files in output folder with the format
# target_filename_stub.rb
# Note the output folder is **DELETED** each time stubs are generated.
# @param [Hash] opts
# @option opts [Array<File>] :targets Array of target files to create stubs from (required)
# @option opts [Dir] :output Folder to create stubs in (required)
# @option opts [Regexp] :exclude Exclusion regex use to reject targets (optional)


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