
OpenVPN iOS Configuration Profile Utility

Generates iOS configuration profiles (.mobileconfig) that configures OpenVPN for use with VPN-on-Demand that are not accessible through the Apple Configurator or the iPhone Configuration Utility.

Although there are many possible VPN-on-Demand (VoD) triggers, this utility currently only implements SSIDMatch and InterfaceTypeMatch. For 'high' (default) security level, the following algorithm is executed upon network changes, in order:

  • If wireless SSID matches any specified with --trusted-ssids, tear down the VPN connection and do not reconnect on demand.
  • Else if wireless SSID matches any specified with --untrusted-ssids, unconditionally bring up the VPN connection on the next network attempt.
  • Else if the primary network interface becomes Wifi (any SSID except those above), unconditionally bring up the VPN connection on the next network attempt.
  • Else if the primary network interface becomes Cellular, leave any existing VPN connection up, but do not reconnect on demand.
  • Else, unconditionally bring up the VPN connection on the next network attempt.

Note: The other match triggers, such as DNSDomainMatch, DNSServerAddressMatch, URLStringProbe, and per-connection domain inspection (ActionParameters), are not implemented. I reckon some kind of DSL will need to be built to support them; pull-requests are welcome.


Install the production version from Rubygems.org:

$ gem install ovpnmcgen.rb

Local Development

Clone the source:

$ git clone https://github.com/iphoting/ovpnmcgen.rb

Build and install the gem:

$ cd ovpnmcgen.rb/
$ bundle install   # install dependencies
# Hack away...
$ rake install     # build and install gem


Usage: ovpnmcgen.rb generate [options] <user> <device>

    --cafile FILE        Path to OpenVPN CA file. (Required)
    --tafile FILE        Path to TLS-Auth Key file.
    --host HOSTNAME      Hostname of OpenVPN server. (Required)
    --proto PROTO        OpenVPN server protocol. [Default: udp]
    -p, --port PORT      OpenVPN server port. [Default: 1194]
    --p12file FILE       Path to user PKCS#12 file. (Required)
    --p12pass PASSWORD   Password to unlock PKCS#12 file.
    --[no-]vod           Enable or Disable VPN-On-Demand. [Default: Enabled]
    --security-level LEVEL Security level of VPN-On-Demand Behaviour: paranoid, high, medium. [Default: high]
    --vpn-uuid UUID      Override a VPN configuration payload UUID.
    --profile-uuid UUID  Override a Profile UUID.
    --cert-uuid UUID     Override a Certificate payload UUID.
    -t, --trusted-ssids SSIDS List of comma-separated trusted SSIDs.
    -u, --untrusted-ssids SSIDS List of comma-separated untrusted SSIDs.
    --ovpnconfigfile FILE Path to OpenVPN client config file.
    -o, --output FILE    Output to file. [Default: stdout]

Security Levels

There are three different security levels to choose from, 'paranoid', 'high' (default), and 'medium'. The algorithm illustrated above is for 'high'.

For 'paranoid' security level, the following algorithm is executed upon network changes, in order:

  • If wireless SSID matches any specified with --trusted-ssids, tear down the VPN connection and do not reconnect on demand.
  • Else if wireless SSID matches any specified with --untrusted-ssids, unconditionally bring up the VPN connection on the next network attempt.
  • Else if the primary network interface becomes Wifi (any SSID except those above), unconditionally bring up the VPN connection on the next network attempt.
  • Else if the primary network interface becomes Cellular, unconditionally bring up the VPN connection on the next network attempt.
  • Else, unconditionally bring up the VPN connection on the next network attempt.

For 'medium' security level, the following algorithm is executed upon network changes, in order:

  • If wireless SSID matches any specified with --trusted-ssids, tear down the VPN connection and do not reconnect on demand.
  • Else if wireless SSID matches any specified with --untrusted-ssids, unconditionally bring up the VPN connection on the next network attempt.
  • Else if the primary network interface becomes Wifi (any SSID except those above), leave any existing VPN connection up, but do not reconnect on demand.
  • Else if the primary network interface becomes Cellular, leave any existing VPN connection up, but do not reconnect on demand.
  • Else, unconditionally bring up the VPN connection on the next network attempt.


Typical Usage

$ ovpnmcgen.rb gen --trusted-ssids home --host vpn.example.com \
--cafile path/to/ca.pem --tafile path/to/ta.key \
--p12file path/to/john-ipad.p12 --p12pass p12passphrase john ipad


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
            <string>Configures VPN settings, including authentication.</string>
            <string>VPN (vpn.example.com/VoD)</string>
                <string>-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----</string>
                <string>vpn.example.com 1194 udp</string>
                <string>#\n# 2048 bit OpenVPN static key\n#\n-----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1-----\n...\n-----END OpenVPN Static key V1-----</string>
            <string>Provides device authentication (certificate or identity).</string>
    <string>OpenVPN Configuration Payload for [email protected]</string>
    <string>vpn.example.com OpenVPN iphoting@ipad</string>

Extended Usage

$ ovpnmcgen.rb gen --trusted-ssids home,school --untrusted-ssids virusnet \
--host vpn.example.com --cafile path/to/ca.pem --tafile path/to/ta.key \
--p12file path/to/john-ipad.p12 --p12pass p12passphrase john ipad

Output similar to above:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

Using OpenSSL to convert files into PKCS#12 (.p12)

openssl pkcs12 -export -out path/to/john-ipad.p12 \
-inkey path/to/john-ipad.key -in path/to/john-ipad.crt \
-passout pass:p12passphrase -name [email protected]


  • Config file to specify global options, such as --cafile, --tafile, --host, --[un]trusted-ssids.
  • Batch-operation mode, with CSV-file as input, and a CSV UUID-index file to track generated profiles as output.

    The same UUID should be used for profile updates, so that iOS knows which profile to replace, especially in MDM environments.

    Custom overrides now supported for UUIDs.

  • Adopt OpenVPN parameters from an OpenVPN-compatible client.conf input file.

    Implemented, but lacks support for inline <ca|tls-auth> data enclosures.

  • Sign/Encrypt .mobileconfig.

    Current workaround is to use a trusted MDM solution to securely push these unsigned, unencrypted profiles to iOS devices, through the encrypted MDM connected.



  1. Fork it (http://github.com/iphoting/ovpnmcgen.rb/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request